真抓实干 把十四大精神落到实处

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党的十四次全国代表大会的胜利召开,对于进一步统一思想,动员和组织全党和全国各族人民加快改革开放和现代化建设步伐,夺取有中国特色社会主义事业的更大胜利,具有极其重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。 江泽民同志代表党中央所作的工作报告,充分体现了邓小平同志视察南方的谈话精神和一贯思想.贯穿了解放思想、实事求是的思想路线,明确确定了建立社会主义市场经济体制,明确确定了用邓小平同志建设有中国特色社会主义的理论武装全党,全面部署了改革与发展的战略任务。 当前,全省各级档案部门的首要任务是,要组织广大档案工作音进一步学习并深刻领会党的十四大精神.紧密联系档案工作实际,讨论研究新形势下档案和档案工作的新特点,探索新形势下管理档案工作的新模式.进一步加快档案工作的改革开放步伐,更好地为经济建设这个中心服务。 为适应新形势的需要,跟上改革开放的大潮,档案部门要进一步解放思想,更新观念.这就要求我们从“左”的思想影响下解放出来,从不适应新情况的旧观念、旧条条框框中解放出来,把目前一些同志中尚存在的封闭保守、墨守陈规的观念换成改革开放、积极创新的观念.把满足现状求稳怕险的观念换成敢闯敢干、开拓进取的观念.把单纯的档案业务观点换成密切注视改革开放,积极主动地 The victory of the 14th National Congress of the Party is extremely important for further unifying our thinking, mobilizing and organizing the entire party and the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country in accelerating the pace of reform and opening up and the pace of modernization and in seizing the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics The practical significance and far-reaching historical significance. The work report made by Comrade Jiang Zemin on behalf of the Party Central Committee fully demonstrates Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s inspection spirit and consistent thinking in the South, runs through the ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts, clearly establishes the socialist market economic system, clearly defines Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s Armed with the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the party has fully deployed the strategic tasks of reform and development. At present, the primary task of the archives departments at all levels in the province is to organize the vast work of audio-visual archives to further learn and profoundly understand the spirit of the 14th National Congress of the Party, to closely contact the actual work of archives work, to discuss and study the new characteristics of archives and archival work in the new situation, Explore the new mode of managing archives under the new situation, further accelerate the pace of reform and opening up of archive work and better serve the center of economic construction. In order to meet the needs of the new situation and keep pace with the tide of reform and opening up, the archives departments should further emancipate their minds and update their concepts, which requires us to be liberated under the influence of the “leftist” ideology and never meet the old concepts of the new situation and the old ones And replaced some of the existing conservative and stereotyped ideas of some comrades with the notion of reform, opening up and innovation, and replaced the notion of seeking stability and courage in satisfying the current situation with a daring to go ahead and forge ahead. The simple file business point of view into a close attention to the reform and opening up, take the initiative
论年龄已过半百,论学历只有高小水平,荣誉、地位似乎与他无缘,但他却成为全县乡镇档案员中的佼佼者。 他,就是六神港乡档案员孟祥明同志。 孟祥明是70年代的“老档案”。由
几个男人在一起闲聊,聊什么,聊女人,女人是男人们永恒的话题。几个女人碰在一起,也聊男人,男人是女人们永恒的话题。 男人喜欢女人,女人也喜欢男人,其实那就是好色,好色是人
“尽管节能减排工作取得了明显效果,但节能减排工作并非都一帆风顺。”山东德棉集团有限公司董事长李会江在接受《纺织服装周刊》记者采访时表示,虽然近年来为了鼓励企业积极推进节能减排,国家和行业协会在政策和资金方面都给予了企业较大的支持,但对于一些老牌的国有纺织企业来说,仍是倍感压力。  李会江进一步介绍说,劳动力密集、生产成本增加、行业门槛较低以致形成生产供大于求的现状,使得很多企业变成了微利、甚至是负