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在内地,“城市综合体”专指那些被地方政府重视的,体量庞大、产品丰富的商用物业综合体。上海是城市综合体规格最高、规模最大的扎堆之地,规划显示,还将有一大批“新货”上市,在政府“宏大叙事”的推动下,上海将更加珠光宝气、光彩照人。相比之下,由于土地批租市场的特殊性,香港并非城市综合体的远东巨埠。香港的城中之城以“太古城”为例,往往以大型住宅群为核心,逐步发展商场、写字楼等,有鲜明的社区化“民生导向”。后来,有了港铁垄断的上盖物业持续开发,批量的综合体次第诞生。但法治环境阻碍了政府意志的强力推动,城市综合体的发展步履艰难,西九龙文艺区的蹉跎就是一例。尽管如此,港商挟写字楼、服务式公寓和高档购物中心的管理经验,领改革开放风气之先,在“北上广”掌握了一批地标项目。香港房地产商由此成为内地城市综合体热潮的始作俑者和领跑集团。随着内地开发商大举跟进,以上海为样板的都市超大型商用物业,正在呈现分层并举的格局,可谓商机无限,风险骤增。 In the Mainland, “City Complex” refers specifically to those large commercial buildings that are valued by local governments and are bulky and rich in product. Shanghai is the city with the highest specifications and the largest gathering place. The plan shows that there will be a large number of “new goods” listed in Shanghai. Under the impetus of the government, “grand narrative,” Shanghai will be even more jewels. In contrast, due to the special nature of the land leasing market, Hong Kong is not the Far East’s giant port of the city complex. Hong Kong’s city in the city to “Tai Koo Shing, ” as an example, often large residential complex as the core, and gradually developing shopping malls, office buildings, a clear community “people’s livelihood-oriented ”. Later, with the continuous development of the MTR monopoly over the property, the volume of integrated body was born. However, the rule of law hampers the strong will of the government, the development of urban complexes is struggling and the coveted area in West Kowloon Cultural District is an example. Nonetheless, Hong Kong businessmen, with the management experience of office buildings, serviced apartments and upscale shopping malls, took the lead in reform and opening up and mastered a number of landmark projects in the “Bei Guang Guang”. As a result, real estate developers in Hong Kong have become the cradles and lead groups in the Mainland urban agglomeration boom. With the large-scale follow-up of mainland developers, the mega-commercial metropolitan area with a model of Shanghai is showing a layered structure with both business opportunities and risks.