Four kinds of ENU-induced white spot mice and chromosome locations of the mutant genes

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaobangzi
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Phenotype-driven is the name for an ap-proach used to study gene functions through mutagenesis, location and cloning of the mutant gene. In this study, 150 male C57BL/6J(B6) mice were treated with ENU and repro-duced a total offspring of 3860. Of these descendants, 210 exhibited mutation phenotypes by screening, and more than 10 of them are hereditable. Four kinds of mutant mice, named Wbct, W-1Bao, W-2Bao, and W-3Bao, showed dominant hereditary white spot mutation with partial albinism on their belly, distal limbs and tail terminal. To map these mutant genes, 39 microsatellites, equally distributed on the mouse genome and with difference between B6 and DBA/2J (D2), were selected to scan the genome after discrimination of the white spots in the F2 mice [(B6×D2)×D2]. It is found that, the log odds score (LODS) between W-1Bao and D5Mit168 is 0.56, and the LODS of W-1Bao and D5Mit352 is 4.47. With the gradual application of microsatellites D5Mit290, D5Mit312, D5Mit308 and D5Mit356 that are close to the mutant gene, and the number of F2 mice going up to 537, the mutant W-1Bao is located between D5Mit356 and D5Mit308 on chro-mosome 5, about 42.19 cM from the centromere. In the same way, W-2Bao and W-3Bao are mapped nearby W-1Bao, and Wbct is located on chromosome 1, about 41.6 cM from the centro-mere. After searching for the mouse genome database (MGD) and performing a one-by-one study of all genes located on chromosome subregion, it is believed that the kit gene is an excellent candidate for the white spot mutations of W-1Bao, W-2Bao and W-3Bao. Phenotype-driven is the name for an ap-proach used to study gene functions through mutagenesis, location and cloning of the mutant gene. In this study, 150 male C57BL / 6J (B6) mice were treated with ENU and repro-duced a total offspring of 3860. Of these descendants, 210 PCT mutational phenotypes by screening, and more than 10 of them are hereditable. Four kinds of mutant mice, named Wbct, W-1Bao, W-2Bao, and W-3Bao, showed dominant hereditary white spot mutation with partial albinism on their belly, distal limbs and tail terminal. To map these mutant genes, 39 microsatellites, equally distributed on the mouse genome and with difference between B6 and DBA / 2J (D2), were selected to scan the genome after It is found that the log odds score (LODS) between W-1Bao and D5Mit168 is 0.56, and the LODS of W-1Bao and D5Mit 352 is equal to the white spot in F2 mice [(B6 × D2) × D2] 4.47. With the gradual application of microsatellites D5Mit290, D5Mit312, D5Mit308 and D5Mit356 that are close to the mutant gene, and the number of F2 mice going up to 537, the mutant W-1Bao is located between D5Mit356 and D5Mit308 on chro-mosome 5, about 42.19 cM from the centromere. In the same way, W-2Bao and W-3Bao are mapped nearby W-1Bao, and Wbct is located on chromosome 1, about 41.6 cM from the centro-mere. After searching for the mouse genome database (MGD) and performing a one-by-one study of all genes located on chromosome subregion, it is believed that the kit gene is an excellent candidate for the white spot mutations of W-1Bao, W-2Bao and W-3Bao.
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在我所住的小区有两家卖副食品的小商店,一家的店主姓王,一家的店主姓马。店的规模大小差不多,而且也离的不是太远,但让我奇怪的是,店主姓王的小商店自从开业以来一直都大大好于店主姓马的小商店的生意。这究竟是怎么回事,当我从两家小商店分别买过白糖之后,终于明白了个中缘由。  一天中午炒菜时,家中白糖正好用完了,我便下楼先去生意好的那家店主姓王的小商店去买白糖,但不巧的是,正好他家的白糖也是刚卖完,准备下午
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