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目的了解滁州市麻疹流行病学特征,评价麻疹监测系统运转情况,为进一步促进麻疹控制工作提供依据。方法收集滁州市麻疹监测系统上报的个案资料,统计、分析麻疹流行特征,并评价麻疹监测系统运行效果和防控措施。结果2002~2006年5年间麻疹平均发病率为2.65/10万。2006年麻疹发病率由2005年的7.59/10万降至1.77/10万,低于5年间平均发病率。麻疹的发病高峰正常年份在3~6月份。暴发流行年出现3~7月份、10~12月份两个高峰,分别占当年病例总数的56.00%、40.60%。574例病例中有免疫史的占21.08%,免疫史不详的占60.10%。小于8月龄儿童麻疹病例占5.05%。32例8月龄~1周岁的病例中无免疫史占68.75%。结论及时有效接种MV,提高麻疹监测质量,是加速控制麻疹的关键。现行的麻疹疫苗初始免疫程序有必要进行调整。 Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of measles in Chuzhou and to evaluate the operation of measles monitoring system and provide evidence for further efforts in measles control. Methods The case information collected from Chuzhou measles monitoring system was collected, the epidemic characteristics of measles were statistically analyzed, and the operation effect and prevention and control measures of measles monitoring system were evaluated. Results The average incidence of measles in 2002-2006 was 2.65 / 100 000. The incidence of measles in 2006 dropped from 7.59 / 100,000 in 2005 to 1.77 / 100,000, less than the average incidence in five years. The peak incidence of measles normal years in March to June. Outbreaks occur in 3 ~ July, 10 ~ December two peaks, accounting for 56.00% of the total number of cases that year, 40.60%. Among 574 cases, 21.08% had immunization history and 60.10% had unknown history of immunization. Measles cases in children younger than 8 months accounted for 5.05%. 32 cases of 8 months to 1 year old cases without immunization history accounted for 68.75%. Conclusion The timely and effective inoculation of MV and the improvement of the quality of measles surveillance are the keys to accelerating the control of measles. The current immunization schedule for measles vaccine needs to be adjusted.
为更快、更好地培养心理学人才,以适应社会的迫切需求,中国科学院心理研究所于1985年成立了心理学函授大学。建 In order to train psychology talents faster and better s
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