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由黑龙江省农科院绥化农科所育成的绥农8号大豆品种,日前被国家科委列为国家级重点推广成果。该品种1989~1992年间累计推广面积达970万亩,增产大豆1.5亿公斤,新增经济效益超过2亿元。绥农8号大豆蛋白质含量达41.75%,脂肪含量20.32%,粒大而整齐,百粒重25克,宜作出口专用品种,它还具有喜肥水、抗倒伏、高抗灰斑病、耐蚜虫、株型好等优点。该品种适应性广。近年来,全国有6个省区引种试种成功。如江苏连云港地区和徐州地区、新疆石河子地区、安徽合肥地区、内蒙古安盟 Suinong No. 8 soybean cultivated by Suihua Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences has recently been listed as a national key promotion achievement by the State Science and Technology Commission. During the period from 1989 to 1992, the cultivated area of ​​this cultivar reached 970 mu in total, yielding 150 million kilos of soybeans and adding more than 200 million yuan of economic benefits. Suinong 8 soy protein content of 41.75%, fat content of 20.32%, large and neat grain, 100 weight 25 grams, suitable for export-specific varieties, it also has hi fertilizer, lodging, high resistance to gray spot, resistant to aphids , Plant type is good and so on. The wide range of adaptability of the species. In recent years, six provinces and autonomous regions nationwide have introduced seed trials successfully. Such as Lianyungang in Jiangsu Province and Xuzhou, Shihezi in Xinjiang, Hefei in Anhui Province, Inner Mongolia UNITA
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