Surgical treatment of Peyronie's disease: choosing the best approach to improve patient satisfa

来源 :亚洲男性学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangxiding138
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Aim: To discuss important points on medical history, preoperative evaluation, real expectations, and selection of the appropriate surgical procedure to improve patient satisfaction after surgical procedures for Peyronie\'s disease. Methods:Recent advances in approaches to Peyronie\'s disease are discussed based on the literature and personal experiences.Issues concerning surgical indication, patient selection, surgical techniques, and grafting are discussed. Lengthening procedures on the convex side of the penile curvature by means of grafting offer the best possible gain from a reconstruction standpoint. Penile rectification and rigidity are required to achieve a completely functional penis. Most patients experience associated erectile dysfunction (ED), and penile straightening alone may not be enough to restore complete function. Twenty-five patients were submitted to total penile reconstruction on length and girth with concomitant penile prosthesis implant. The maximum length restoration was possible and limited by the length of the maintained the penis straight. No infections occurred. Sexual intercourse was restored in all patients and all reported recovered self-esteem. Conclusion: Improving patient satisfaction with the surgical treatment includes proper preoperative evaluation on stable disease, penile shortening, vascular and erectile status, patient decision and selection as well as extensive discussion on surgical technique for restoring functional penis (length and rigidity). Length and girth
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