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岁末年初,整个计算机硬件市场相对平静。包括显卡市场,各个性能层次的产品价格趋于稳定。这预示一个消费高潮的来临。2002年暑期推出的高端显示芯片,现在逐渐成为市场的主流、而各厂商研发未来新技术新产品的消息频频传来,都在为将来的市场硬战做准备,酝酿着更为激烈的争夺、不过市场短期的平静和前期产品的成熟对于消费者来说应该是一件好事:不用担心市场新品接二连三推出的时候价格也与日俱降的尴尬状况。寒假马上到来,这个时候完全可根据自己的需要,量身购买价格与性能非常匹配的产品。 ATI和NVIDIA在现阶段主流显卡芯片市场占据绝大多数份额,前者以提供笔记本和服务器的显示芯片为自己的主要经营项目,在视频和媒体播放领域,ATI为业界的领袖级厂商,后者以RIVA 128这款当时速度最快的显示芯片成功从红极一时的3dfx手中抢夺了大部分游戏显卡市场,并最终收购了3dfx公司,轰动业界。时至今日,ATI与NVIDIA成为家用显示市场最主要的竞争对手。这种竞争机制使两家公司时刻不停地为全球市场提供最新最高性能的显示芯片。产品线的丰富也为消费者提供了尽可能多的选择。下面笔者也是以两个厂商不同价位的产品来分类。所推荐产品仅代表个人观点。 End of the year, the entire computer hardware market is relatively calm. Including the graphics card market, the performance of various levels of product prices stabilized. This indicates the advent of a consumer orgasm. The high-end display chips introduced in the summer of 2002 are now gradually becoming the mainstream of the market. The news that various manufacturers are researching and developing new technologies and new products in the future is coming. They are all preparing for a hard battle in the market in the future, and more intense competition is brewing. However, the market’s short-term calm and early maturity of products for consumers should be a good thing: do not worry about market new products one after another when the price is getting embarrassed state. Winter vacation coming soon, this time can be based on their own needs, tailor-made to buy the price and performance are very matching products. ATI and NVIDIA dominate the mainstream graphics chip market at this stage, with the former providing display chips for notebooks and servers as their main business. In the field of video and media playback, ATI is the leader in the industry with RIVA 128, the fastest graphics chip of the day, grabbed most of the game graphics market from the smash hit 3dfx and finally acquired 3dfx, a company that made a big splash in the industry. Today, ATI and NVIDIA become the most important competitors in the home display market. This competitive mechanism allows the two companies to constantly provide the global market with the latest high performance graphics chips. The rich product line also provides consumers with as many choices as possible. The author is below the two manufacturers of different price to product classification. The recommended products represent only personal opinions.
结合工程实例,通过盾构掘进参数控制、轴线及盾构姿态控制、渣土改良、同步注浆等措施,论述了盾构法顺利穿越砂卵石地层的关键施工技术。 Combined with engineering exampl
摘 要:在国内的医疗费用中,药品费用占据约60%的比重,只要控制药品费用,势必能降低医疗费用。特别是在新医改下,公立医院要想稳定、健康、持续地发展,以适应新医改需要,就需要积极摆脱亏损局面,加强药品经济管理,控制药品费用,达到社会与经济效益的双赢。所以接下来就从加强公立医院药品经济管理的重要性入手,探究提出若干策略建议,促使公立医院在新医改下实现可持续发展。  关键词:公立医院;药品费用;经济管理