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联合国的法律渊源于《联合国宪章入自从《宪章》签字以来,争取实施人权规范的过程共有三个阶段。头一个阶段着重的是设置行为准则的大量活动;当时,国际人权法案的起草工作已经完成,两个国际公约也已生效。在始于70年代末的第二个阶段,联合国一方面着重建立起实施各项公约的机制,一方面着手启动所谓公约外的特别程序,主要是调查研究,或者说是了解事实情况,二者并行。第三个阶段大体上和80年代同步结束,它的标志是增加了为提高意识性而进行的宣传活动,制定了与此相关的技术合作规划。这一整个发展过程中产生了若干用于控制和监测国际人权规范及其遵守情况的机制。但是,这些活动及其成就和规范本身一样,都未能以全面而统一的方式处理人权问题而有若干缺欠。国际社会在世界人权会议上的承诺,其后关于设置人权高级专员署的决定,以及其后承认发展权为实现国际人权规范的关键以及对之进行衡量的标尺,所有这些合到一起,使得联合国如今已有可能发挥重大作用,支持各国政府创造条件,从而能够实现它们就人权问题所承担的国际法律义务。 The law of the United Nations is rooted in "the UN Charter. Since the signing of the Charter, the process of seeking to implement human rights norms has three stages. The first phase focused on a large number of activities that set out codes of conduct; at that time, the drafting of an international bill of rights was completed and the two international covenants were also in force. Starting from the second stage in the late 1970s, the United Nations has set itself the re-establishment of a mechanism for the implementation of conventions. On the one hand, it has initiated the so-called special procedures outside the Convention, mainly on the basis of investigations and studies or understanding of the facts. Both of them parallel. The third phase ended largely in synch with the 1980s, marked by the addition of awareness-raising campaigns and the formulation of technical cooperation programs related to this. Throughout this development, a number of mechanisms have emerged for the control and monitoring of international human rights norms and their compliance. However, none of these activities and their achievements, like the norms themselves, have several shortcomings in addressing the issue of human rights in a comprehensive and uniform manner. The commitment of the international community at the World Conference on Human Rights, its subsequent decision to establish the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the subsequent recognition of the right to development as the key to and measure of the realization of international human rights norms, all of which make the United Nations It is now possible to play a major role in supporting Governments in creating conditions that will enable them to meet their international legal obligations on human rights issues.
<正> 前言几年前,我曾就植物考古学的定义问题谈到了植物考古学(paleoethnobotany)与考古植物学(archaeobotany)的区别。植物考古学与考古植物学都是以考古出土的植物遗存为
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