治理质量通病 美化建筑观感

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近两年来,特区建设发展较快,一幢幢大楼拔地而起,完美的建筑本身就是一幅艺术画。但细心观察。发现问题不少,其中少数是主体工程质量存在问题,多数装饰粗糙,功能质量差,留下许多施工痕迹,又影响美观。因此,必须加强工程监理,解决施工质量通病。一、屋面渗漏我国平顶 In the past two years, the construction of the special zone has developed rapidly. A building rises from the ground. The perfect building itself is an art painting. But watch carefully. Many problems have been found, and a few of them are problems with the quality of the main project. Most of the buildings are rough in decoration and have poor functional quality, leaving many construction marks and affecting the appearance. Therefore, project supervision must be strengthened to solve the common problem of construction quality. First, roof leakage in China’s flat top
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