习惯了“速度决定一切”、“以速度抗击规模”、“我的财富以秒计”的时尚论调,猛然听到“慢鱼吃快鱼”的说法,还以为是哪个抬杠能手的故弄玄虚,或哪个慢性子的自我辩护,要么是哪位有着“日出而作、日落而息”田园牧歌式情怀的酸掉牙诗人醒梦难分的呓语?你绝对想不到“逆潮流而语”者竟是一位打拼在市场前沿、谋安在乱云飞渡、激越而沉稳、卓厉而儒雅、独思而顺势、容虚而有为的知名企业营销老总。先不说喊出“慢鱼吃快鱼”需要睿智,至少这需要勇气和胆量。就凭这一点,我们也应该为徐源叫好! 何况谁又能说这不是对中国企业一味痴迷于速度时的当头棒喝!——编者
Accustomed to “speed is everything,” “speed scale,” “My wealth in seconds,” the fashion argument, suddenly heard “slow fish eat fast fish” argument, Which chronic child's self-defense, or who has a “sunrise and sunset at the” pastoral idyllic feeling sour plumage poet awkwardness? You absolutely can not think of “the trend of the word” was actually a Bit hard work in the forefront of the market, seek peace in Chaosunfei, agitation and calm, Zhuoli and refined, thoughtful and homeopathic, contentment and promising well-known corporate marketing CEO. Not to shout at first, “slow fish eat fast fish,” needs wisdom, at least, this requires courage and guts. On this point, we should also applaud for Xu Yuan! Moreover, who can say that this is not blindfolded to the Chinese enterprises blindfolded!