MPS/CAS Cooperation on Solid State Chemistry

来源 :Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vuip
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The cooperation between Zhao Jingtai and the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids was initiated immediately after the research field Inorganic Chemistry (headed by Rudiger Kniep) started its work in Dresden. The first contact was established when Zhao Jingtai came from the Xiamen University as a Max Planck fellow. At that time, the chemistry of the intermetallic compounds of rare-earth metals was chosen as a topic of joint investigations with Yuri Grin. Later, the solid state chemistry of the borophosphates was added to the program of concerted research in the group of Zhao Jingtai and the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids. The cooperation was intensified after the move of Zhao Jingtai to the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics and the establishment of an Inorganic Materials Chemistry and Physics Group there. The results of the investigations performed from 1999 to 2003 were published in more than 25 scientific papers and more than ten contributions to scientific conferences. The cooperation between Zhao Jingtai and the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids was initiated immediately after the research field Inorganic Chemistry (headed by Rudiger Kniep) started its work in Dresden. The first contact was established when Zhao Jingtai came from the Xiamen University as a Max Planck fellow. At that time, the chemistry of the intermetallic compounds of rare-earth metals was chosen as a topic of joint investigations with Yuri Grin. Later, the solid state chemistry of the borophosphates was added to the program of concerted research in the group of Zhao Jingtai and the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids. The cooperation was intensified after the move of Zhao Jingtai to the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics and the establishment of an Inorganic Materials Chemistry and Physics Group there. The results of the investigations performed from 1999 to 2003 were published in more than 25 scientific papers and more than ten contributions to scien tific conferences.
一、事故原因中国化工进出口总公司于1988年9月19日通过其香港RILLFUNG公司(程租人)与挪威A/S SEATEAM船公司(期租人)签订了租用巴拿马籍油轮“新世纪”(CENTURY DAWN)号(以
目前,能够在历史课上开展多媒体教学,运用CAI课件,甚至在网上进行教学的毕竟是极少数的现代化学校,大多数学校的历史课堂教学多数时候仍以一本教科书、一 At present, the a
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