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The Yingpan cemetery is situated lkm northeast of the Yingpan city-site. There are more than 300 tombs in disorder and largely with diversiform-leaved polar stakes on the surface. Of them 80 were excavated in 1999, and 8 of these are reported in the present paper. The earth-pit tombs contain wooden coffins in the shape of a trough or four-legged case, or only wooden frames or boards in some cases. The cave-cure-shaft graves have no wooden coffins and are blocked at the mouth. The dead were entombed by single or couple joint burial, largely in extended supine position or, in less cases, in extended prone or flexed position. The grave goods include pottery, wooden, straw-knitted and lacquered objects. They are varied according to the sex of the dead. The clothes are different in the condition of preservation. Their styles and materials were not or seldom seen previously. In date the tombs can be inferred to belong to the Wei-Jin period.
The divinity and animal design mirror unearthed from a rock-cut tomb at Hejiashan, Sichuan province, belongs to the system of mirrors with divinity and animal designs in three zones and distinctly differs from those of the Wu system in the middle and lowe
The Kiziltur cemetery discovered in 1998 is located in Kizil Township east of the seat of Baicheng County. It extends about 2kin from the north to the south. The tombs are distributed at the southern end, and an ancient city site and ruins of dwellings we
This cemetery lies about 30km southwest of Wubao Township in Hami City, and was excavated in 1999 by the Xinjiang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology. The work resulted in the revelation of 32 earth-pit tombs, mostly single burials in a flexed si