
来源 :辽宁农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gjb5000a
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槲叶圆瘿蜂 Biorhiza sp.属膜翅目瘿蜂科中的无翅瘿蜂,在我国主要寄生槲柞叶。关于无翅瘿蜂过去报道的是 Callirhylis tobiiroAsbm。在我国关于无翅瘿蜂尚未见报道。笔者1979~1982年,对凤城地区寄生槲叶的无翅瘿进行观察,认为与已报道的 C.tobiiro不尽相同。根据侧片沟明显,额部隆起和14节触角并近末端,以及爪单纯等特点,暂称为槲叶圆瘿蜂,定为 Birhiza 属,种名待定。本文将我们研究结果做以初步报道,供参考。一、分布与为害槲叶圆瘿蜂主要分布在辽宁省的本溪、凤城、东沟、宽甸、岫岩、辽阳、海城、庄河等 Eucalyptus round Bumblebee Biorhiza sp. Is a Hymenoptera 瘿 bee in the wingless 瘿 bees, the main parasitic mistletoe in our country. About wingless bees previously reported is Callirhylis tobiiroAsbm. In our country has not been reported on wingless bees. The author from 1979 to 1982, Fengcheng area parasitic leafworm Wingless observation, that has been reported and C.tobiiro vary. According to the side of the groove is obvious, the forehead uplift and 14 antennae and near the end, and the claw simple features, tentatively called the Eupatorium obliquus, as Birhiza genus, to be determined. This article will do our preliminary findings for research, for reference. First, the distribution and damage Oakleaf mainly distributed in Benxi, Fengcheng, Donggou, Kuandian, Xiuyan, Liaoyang, Haicheng, Zhuanghe, etc. in Liaoning Province
杀虫脒又名氯苯脒,化学名称为 N-(4-氯邻甲苯)-N,N-二甲基甲脒盐酸盐,其结构式为(CH_3)_2N—CH=N——Cl·HCl。在我国通常将杀虫脒加工成25%水剂,它的游离碱亦可加工成50%乳
the composites of grafting polystyrene polyvinyl acetate (PVA) or polyethylene terephthalate (PET) coated with soybean lecithin, are obtained. Results of grafti
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When I get older  I will be stronger  They’ll call me freedom  Just like a wavin’ flag    *When I get older  I will be stronger  They’ll call me freedom  Just like a wavin’ flag  And then it goes back
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