全球卫星定位系统(GPS)计划的成功首先取决于铯和铷原子频率标准和晶体振荡器的可靠性和工作特性。GPS 可以自豪地提供铷钟在轨道上运行两年的成功经验和铯钟在轨道上运行一年的成功经验。本文总结了最近六个月来计划局所开展的活动和铯钟、铷钟在轨道上的性能。在介绍 GPS 时钟计划时,我们着重介绍 GPS 用户部分情况和开展工作的打算。
The success of the Global Positioning System (GPS) program depends first and foremost on the cesium and rubidium atomic frequency standards and the reliability and operating characteristics of crystal oscillators. GPS is proud to offer two years of successful experience with rubidium clocks in orbit and a year of successful orbital cesium clocks. This article summarizes the activities undertaken by the Planning Bureau in the past six months and the orbital performance of the cesium and rubidium clocks. In introducing the GPS clock plan, we focus on the GPS user part of the situation and work plan.