Electrochemical performance of alloys Ho_5Fe_3Co_(12) and Ho_(33.3)Co_(66.7)

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wjp711018
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Alloys with composition Ho5Fe3Co12 and Ho33.3Co66.7 were prepared and examined by X-ray diffractometer and automatic battery testing instrument. The electrochemical properties of these alloys such as discharge capacity, cycling performance and high rate dischargeability were investigated by battery testing instruments in alkaline electrolyte. A comparison of the electrochemical performance of the Ho5Fe3Co12 and Ho33.3Co66.7 alloys revealed that alloy Ho5Fe3Co12 possessed a better electrochemical performance and had better discharge capacity, cycle stability and high rate dischargeability. The largest discharge capacity of alloy Ho5Fe3Co12 was about 536.7 mAh/g at discharge current densities 450 and 600 mA/g, and that of alloy Ho33.3Co66.7 was 400 mAh/g at discharge current density of 300 mA/g. Alloys with composition Ho5Fe3Co12 and Ho33.3Co66.7 were prepared and examined by X-ray diffractometer and automatic battery testing instrument. The electrochemical properties of these alloys such as discharge capacity, cycling performance and high rate dischargeability were investigated by battery testing instruments in alkaline electrolyte. A comparison of the electrochemical performance of the Ho5Fe3Co12 and Ho33.3Co66.7 alloys revealed that alloy Ho5Fe3Co12 possessed a better electrochemical performance and had better discharge capacity, cycle stability and high rate dischargeability. The largest discharge capacity of alloy Ho5Fe3Co12 was about 536.7 mAh / g at discharge current densities 450 and 600 mA / g, and that of alloy Ho33.3Co66.7 was 400 mAh / g at a discharge current density of 300 mA / g.
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