
来源 :江苏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aweids
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小码头街——历史文化名城镇江的一条最古老的街。这条街上的许多名胜古迹和历史遗址,还有坐落在这条街东西两头的由原英国领事馆改建成的镇江博物馆和镇江革命历史博物馆,构成了中国近、现代史一幅壮丽的画卷,它们是对学生进行“二史一情”教育的生动教材。镇江市京口区小码头小学充分利用这些教育环境,对学生进行热爱党、热爱社会主义祖国的教育,开展了许多生动活泼的活动。让“国耻”铭记在学生心头小码头古街的东北面是第二次鸦片战争中割让给英帝国主义的租界和英领事馆,它是帝国主义列强瓜分中国的历史见证。为了让学生了解这段历史,小码头小学多次带 Little Wharf Street - one of the oldest streets in the historic city of Zhenjiang. Many historical sites and historical sites on this street, as well as the Zhenjiang Museum of History and the Zhenjiang Revolutionary History Museum converted from the original British Consulate on both east and west of the street, form a magnificent picture of China’s recent and modern history. They are vivid teaching materials for students’ education of “two histories and one emotion”. Xiaoguetou Primary School in Jingkou District of Zhenjiang City has taken full advantage of these educational environments and conducted a lot of lively and vivid activities for students who love the Party and love the socialist motherland. Keeping the “national humiliation” to the northeast of the old quay of the students’ mind is the concession and British consulate ceded to the British imperialists in the Second Opium War. It is the historical testimony of the imperialist powers in splitting China. In order to allow students to understand this history, Pier Primary School on many occasions
股份质押贷款是指企业以其持有的其他有限责任公司的股份作为质押担保,银行据此提供贷款的融资业务。在目前众多融资方式中,股份质押贷款是一种刚刚兴起 Shares pledged lo
夏爱玉,很平常的一位女人。她瘦小的身体,苍白的脸,头上爬满的白发,丝毫看不出有啥不同凡响之处,只是矫健的步履,很难使人相信她已是五十又二的人了。 她1958年毕业于南昌师