
来源 :铁道工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skyisheaven1
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研究目的:既有的地铁车站周边常存在后续的商业开发,基坑邻近车站施工会对其结构变形产生不利的影响。本文以天津市天河城购物中心复杂基坑施工为背景,通过三维数值分析,计算基坑的两种开挖方案引起的相邻天津地铁3号线和平路站的沉降值,并评估两种方案对地铁结构安全性的影响,为施工方案的选择提供依据。研究结论:(1)基坑在降水与开挖共同作用下,坑底出现微隆起,基坑周边地表出现沉降槽,地铁车站以沉降变形为主;(2)原方案能更好地控制地铁车站变形,调整方案引起的车站最终沉降略大于原方案;(3)两种方案均能满足地铁变形控制要求,调整方案的工期比原方案减少3个月,经综合比选后推荐采取调整方案;(4)本文根据实际工程进行分析研究,其成果可应用于基坑紧邻地铁施工对既有地铁车站影响的处理。 Research purposes: The existing commercial development often exists around the existing metro stations, and the construction of the adjacent stations in the pit will have an adverse effect on the structural deformation. In this paper, based on the construction of complex foundation pit in Tianhe Shopping Center in Tianjin City, the settlement values ​​of adjacent Tianjin Subway Line 3 and Heping Road Station caused by two kinds of excavation schemes of foundation pit are calculated by three-dimensional numerical analysis, and two schemes are evaluated The impact on the safety of the subway structure, provide the basis for the choice of construction program. The conclusions are as follows: (1) Under the joint action of precipitation and excavation, the foundation pit appears micro-uplift and the settlement trench appears on the ground surface around the foundation pit. Subway stations are dominated by settlement deformation. (2) The original scheme can better control the subway (3) Both schemes can meet the requirements of subway deformation control, and the duration of the adjustment scheme is reduced by 3 months compared with the original scheme. After the comprehensive comparison and selection, the final settlement of the station is recommended to be adjusted ; (4) Based on the actual project analysis, the results of this paper can be applied to the treatment of the impact of the existing metro station on the foundation pit immediately adjacent to the subway construction.
【正】 在抗日战争时期,正定县许香村出了个屡建奇功的人物,他就是武工队长李元文。提起他来,英雄事迹多得数不尽表不完。今天,只说一段他疾恶如仇除叛徒。 那是1944年春天,
【正】 这是一个尚未公开发表、却又千真万确的故事。 1940年农历五月十五日上午,枣强县北崔浒村民吴金显正在村西耙地,忽见西方尘土滚滚,一彪日伪军乘车骑马、席卷而来。吴
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