
来源 :西南园艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beginI
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中国园艺学会成立70周年纪念会暨学术讨论会于1999年8月22~25日,在我国春城——昆明隆重召开,这是本世纪我国最后一次园艺界的盛会,云集了园艺界的专家、学者共300余人.出席大会的还有韩国园艺学会理事长、日本原园艺学会理事长、澳大利亚.美国等外国专家.大会开幕式,由中国工程院院士陈俊愉主持,原农业部部长何康就我国花卉发展作了重要讲话,中国园艺学会理事长朱德蔚致开幕词;在开幕词中对中国园艺学会成立七十年来,尤其是新中国成立五十年来所取得的丰硕成果进行了历史的回顾.他说,中国园艺学会伴随着新中国的成立而发展,义伴随改革开放的深入而壮大,为促进我 China Horticultural Society 70th Anniversary Symposium and Symposium on August 22, 1999 to 25, in our Spring City - Kunming grand opening, this is the last of our century horticultural industry event, gathered in the field of horticulture experts, Scholar a total of more than 300. Also attending the meeting are chairman of the Korean Society of Horticulture, Japan’s original horticultural society, Australia, the United States and other foreign experts at the opening ceremony by the Chinese Academy of Engineering Chen Jun-hao presided over the former Ministry of Agriculture Minister He Kang on China’s flowers Made an important speech and made an opening speech by Zhu Dewei, chairman of the Chinese Society of Horticulture. In his opening speech, he made a historical review of the achievements made by the Chinese Society of Horticulture in the past 70 years, especially since the founding of New China in the past 50 years. Said that the Chinese Society of Horticulture with the establishment of new China and development, justice and companionship with the deepening of reform and opening up and to promote me
  We introduce new methods for phylogenetic tree quartet construction by using machine learning to optimize the power of phylogenetic invariants. Phylogeneti
来源 日本和新西兰共同育成。1969年在新西兰国立科学产业研究所用嘎啦和茜杂交所得种子,经日本果树试验场盛冈分场选育,1986年进行品种登记。日本果树协会向全国推荐的新品