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低位直肠癌传统采用Miles经腹会阴切除和人工肛门造口术,术后给病人的生活带来不便和痛苦,因而保留肛门改善患者的术后生活质量已成为当今肛肠外科非常重视的研究课题。当今人们一直在追求进一步提高治愈率,另一方面也要求尽量避免永久性腹部结肠造口。本科在1996年1月~1998年12月近三年时间内采用保肛手术治疗21例低位直肠癌,取得良好的疗效,现报告如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料:本组21例,其中男12例,女9例;年龄26~73岁,平均57岁。癌肿距肛缘7cm(8例)、6cm(9例)、5cm(4例)。癌肿侵犯粘膜层,粘膜下层各1例,侵犯肌层15例,侵犯全层4例。 1.2 手术方法:低位前切除术6例应用进口双吻合器吻合,经腹直肠切除保留肛门结肠拖出术13例,经肛门直肠癌局部切除术2例。 Low rectal cancer with Miles perineal perineal resection and artificial anal ostomy traditionally lead to inconvenience and pain to the patient’s life after surgery. Therefore, the preservation of the anus to improve the postoperative quality of life of patients has become an important research topic in anorectal surgery today. Today, people are always seeking to further improve the cure rate. On the other hand, they also seek to avoid permanent abdominal colostomy. Undergraduate from January 1996 to December 1998 in the past three years, the use of anal sphincter preservation surgery in 21 cases of low rectal cancer and achieved good results, are as follows. 1 Clinical data 1.1 General Information: The group of 21 cases, of which 12 males and 9 females; aged 26 to 73 years, mean 57 years. Cancer from the anal margin 7cm (8 cases), 6cm (9 cases), 5cm (4 cases). Invasion of the mucosa of cancer, submucosa in 1 case, 15 cases of invasion of myometrial invasion of full-thickness in 4 cases. 1.2 surgical methods: 6 cases of low anterior resection using imported double stapler anastomosis, transrectal resection of the anus to keep the colon pulled out in 13 cases, 2 cases of partial resection of the anorectal cancer.
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