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听说只有在徐州才能喝到正宗的辣汤。徐州人每天早上会花上5角钱,买一碗辣汤,就着馒头、包子、煎包、蒸饺或者其他点心当早饭吃。小吃摊上的辣汤我喝过,的确有与众不同的味道,但是喝了一次自家做的辣汤以后,才算是真正领略到辣汤的特殊风味。辣汤其实并不难做,一般小摊上大多用肉骨头熬汤,家里做就精致多了。炖上一只老母鸡,炖到鸡肉酥烂时,去了鸡皮,将鸡脯肉和鸡腿肉撕成鸡丝,越细越好。这可不是一件好差事,需要很大的耐心和很长的时间。剩下的鸡汤留着待用。将面粉加水揉成面团,稍稍让面“醒”一会儿,然后取一小盆清水开始洗面筋。一般一个面团是要分成好几份来洗的。这也是一个耗时间的活儿。等到面筋洗好,就可以制作了。用大锅将洗面筋的水和鸡汤一起烧,开了以后放进扯好的鸡丝和面筋,放佐料,除了盐以外,还需要大量的胡椒粉,当然还有姜!这是制作辣汤的关键。煮好以后撒上葱,那种北方的大葱,青青白白,让整锅辣汤都生动起来。 I heard that only in Xuzhou can drink authentic spicy soup. Every morning Xuzhou people will spend 5 cents, buy a bowl of spicy soup, on bread, buns, fried bread, steamed dumplings or other snacks for breakfast. I had drunk spicy soup on the snack bar and did indeed have a distinctive taste, but after I drank my own spicy soup, I really enjoyed the special flavor of spicy soup. In fact, hot soup is not difficult to do, most stalls mostly with meat bones soup, home to do more refined. Stew on an old hen, stew until the crisp chicken, went to chicken skin, the chicken breasts and chicken meat torn chicken, the finer the better. This is not a good job, it takes a lot of patience and a long time. The rest of the chicken stay to be used. The flour and water knead dough, slightly let the surface “awake ” for a while, and then take a small basin of water began to wash the gluten. Usually a dough is divided into several parts to wash. This is also a time-consuming job. Wait until the gluten was washed, you can make it. Use the cauldron to wash the gluten-free water and chicken broth together, then put in the good shredded chicken and gluten, add the seasoning, besides salt, also need a lot of pepper, and of course ginger! This is the production of spicy The key to soup. Sprinkle with onion after cooking, the kind of green onions in the north, white and green, so that the whole pot spicy soup are vivid.