
来源 :植物保护学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:martinlt
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为明确辽宁花生产区栽培品种对疮痂病抗性差异及病害发生流行规律,通过田间小区试验,采用五点调查法对不同花生品种疮痂病田间发生情况和时间流行动态进行了系统研究。结果表明,供试18个品种花生疮痂病病情指数存在显著差异,其中主栽品种白沙1016病情指数最高,可达34.5,新花2号病情指数最低,仅为15.7。根据花生疮痂病相对抗性评价标准,供试品种整体分为3类,高感品种4份,感病品种6份,中抗品种8份,未发现免疫和高抗品种。病害发生规律表现为:7月初为始发期,7月下旬至8月下旬为病害盛发期,8月末至9月上旬为病害衰退期。Logistic模型能够较好地描述花生疮痂病病情指数随时间的流行动态,依据模型公式也推导出主栽品种白沙1016的病情指数最大,日增长量为0.89。 In order to clarify the difference of resistance to scab disease and the prevalence of disease in cultivars of flower production in Liaoning Province, field investigation and epidemiological investigation of the disease and epidemic of scab disease in different peanut varieties were carried out by using field survey and five-point survey. The results showed that there were significant differences in disease index of peanut scab in 18 cultivars. The disease index of Baisha 1016 was the highest, up to 34.5, while the disease index of Xinhua 2 was the lowest, only 15.7. According to the relative resistance evaluation criteria of peanut scab disease, the tested cultivars were divided into three categories, four susceptible cultivars, six susceptible cultivars and eight medium resistant cultivars. No immunized or highly resistant cultivars were found. Disease occurrence regularity as follows: the beginning of July for the onset, late July to late August for the disease Shengfa period, late August to early September for the disease recession. The Logistic model can describe the epidemiological trend of the disease index of peanut skin over time. According to the model formula, the disease index of the main variety Baisha 1016 is the largest, with a daily growth rate of 0.89.
一些读者来信询问国产便携式瓦斯检测报警仪的品种、使用特点和生产厂家。现就个人所知介绍如下。 连续沼气检测报警仪是便携式瓦斯检测报警仪的主要代表机型。该机可携至井
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阐述了抽气止回阀的工作原理及气缸的设计计算方法。 The working principle of suction check valve and the design and calculation method of cylinder are expounded.
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