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浙江省三资企业成倍增长,今年上半年共批准三资企业517家,协议外资额3297万美元,相当于去年全年批准总数的88.4%和103%;累计批准三资企业1887家,协议外资金额11.62亿美元,到今年4月已开业建成的企业有747家,大部分企业经营情况良好并获得利润,在经营管理上许多企业都有自己的特色和创新。(一)外贸部门积极支持三资企业的发展。不少搞得好的企业在中外合作的过程中,得到了外贸部门的支持和参与,有的为企业投资和推荐人才;有的为企业介绍客户,协助企业谈判;有的帮助企业开拓外销渠道,收购或代理出口。可以说浙江三资企业的成功得益于外贸部门的积极努力。(二)中外双方“和”为贵,管理以中方为主。外方承包经营的为数较少,双方共管的企业外方也 The number of foreign-funded enterprises in Zhejiang Province has doubled. In the first half of this year, 517 foreign-funded enterprises were approved, and the amount of foreign investment reached 32.97 million U.S. dollars, equivalent to 88.4% and 103% of the total number approved last year; and 1,887 three-nation enterprises have been accumulatively approved. The amount of foreign capital was 1.162 billion U.S. dollars. By the end of April this year, 747 companies had been established. Most of the companies are in good operating condition and have gained profits. Many companies have their own characteristics and innovations in business management. (1) Foreign trade departments actively support the development of foreign-funded enterprises. Many well-established enterprises have received the support and participation of foreign trade departments in the process of cooperation between China and foreign countries, and some have invested and recommended talents for enterprises; some have introduced enterprises to customers and assisted enterprises in negotiating; some have helped enterprises develop export channels. , acquisitions or agency exports. It can be said that the success of the foreign-funded enterprises in Zhejiang benefits from the active efforts of the foreign trade department. (b) Both Chinese and foreign parties are “harmonious” and the management is mainly Chinese. The number of foreign contracted businesses is small, and the foreign companies that are jointly managed by the two parties are also
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我国现在有一亿多网民,网络已成为人们生活必不可少的一部分。为此,我们将陆续介绍与网络相关的名词及表达。与网民相关的说法有: China now has more than 100 million In
<正> 国际投入产出协会理事会决定:第十届国际投入产出技术会议将于1993年3月29日至4月3日在西班牙的Sevilla举行。大会主题是:投入产出分析技术。愿意参加国际会议的同志可向国际投入产出协会秘书处寄一个简短的论文提要。