As we all know, real numbers are divided into rational numbers and irrational numbers, and irrational numbers are divided into algebraic numbers and transcendental numbers. This is a division of real numbers. Real numbers can also be divided into algebraic data sets and transcendental data sets. If a real number is the root of an algebraic equation a_0x~n+a_1x~(n-1)+...+a(n-1)x+a~m=0, then the number is called an algebraic number. Conversely, a real number that is not the root of any algebraic equation is called the transcendental number. Since the whole rational number n/m is the root of an algebraic equation mx-n=0, the rational number set is a subnumber of algebraic numbers, so the transcendental numbers are irrational numbers. To prove that a number is an irrational number, the textbook of algebra in senior high school uses the anti-evidence method, but using anti-evidence requires a certain skill, and students often do not use it. This article intends to introduce a general method to prove irrational numbers in algebraic numbers for the reference of teachers. This method uses the following theorems. This theorem is in the general algebra textbook and we will not prove it. Theorem: The whole coefficient algebraic equation a_0x~n+a_1~(n-1)+...+a(n-1)x+a_n=0 The necessary condition for the rational root m/n (m, n prime) is m The divisor of a_n, r, is a divisor of a_0. We first illustrate how to use this theorem to prove irrational numbers in algebraic numbers and then summarize the general steps of this method.