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近期,方圆集团专用汽车公司研制开发的新型压缩式垃圾车加载试车成功,各项性能指标均满足设计要求。该产品是用于城镇垃圾收集、压缩、清运,具有自行装入、压缩、带自卸功能的专用车辆,在垃圾压缩过程中,污水直接排入储存液体的厢体内,可减少污水对环境的二次污染。该款垃圾车是在借鉴同类垃圾车先进技术的基础上研发而成的新型产品,通过在专用底盘上加装垃圾压缩装置制作而成,设计总质量为16 t,主要由底盘、厢体、推铲、填装机构、翻桶机构、液压系统和电控系统等7个部分组成,工作状态包括刮板张开、滑板下行、刮板刮和、滑板上行、翻斗上行、翻桶、卸桶、推铲伸出和推铲收回等单步动作,同时还具有联 Recently, the new compressed garbage truck developed by Fangyuan Group Special Purpose Vehicles Co., Ltd. was put into trial operation successfully. All the performance indexes met the design requirements. The product is used for urban garbage collection, compression, transportation, with its own loading, compression, with self-dumping dumping vehicles in the garbage compression process, the sewage directly into the storage tank of liquid can reduce the sewage on the environment Secondary pollution. This garbage truck is a new product developed based on the advanced technology of similar garbage trucks. The garbage truck is made by adding garbage compression device on the special chassis. The designed total mass is 16 t, which is mainly composed of chassis, Push shovel, filling mechanism, turning barrel mechanism, hydraulic system and electronic control system, etc. 7 parts, working conditions include scraper open, slide down, scraper scraping, skateboarding up, tipping up, overturn, unloading barrel , Push the blade out of the shovel and retractable single-step action, but also with the United
天津港集装箱码头有限公司40.5 t集装箱装卸桥于1981年投入使用,后于1997年进行整机改造,采用法国TE电气控制(以下简称电控)系统.目前TE电控系统已退出港口装卸设备领域,此类
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