Direct mass measurements of neutron-rich ~(86)Kr projectile fragments and the persistence of neutron

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In this paper, we present direct mass measurements of neutron-rich86 Kr projectile fragments conducted at the HIRFL-CSR facility in Lanzhou by employing the Isochronous Mass Spectrometry(IMS) method. The new mass excesses of52-54 Sc nuclides are determined to be-40492(82),-38928(114),-34654(540) ke V, which show a significant increase of binding energy compared to the reported ones in the Atomic Mass Evaluation 2012(AME12).In particular,53 Sc and54Sc are more bound by 0.8 Me V and 1.0 Me V, respectively. The behavior of the two neutron separation energy with neutron numbers indicates a strong sub-shell closure at neutron number N =32 in Sc isotopes. In this paper, we present direct mass measurements of neutron-rich86 Kr projectile fragments conducted at the HIRFL-CSR facility in Lanzhou by employing the Isochronous Mass Spectrometry (IMS) method. The new mass excesses of 52-54 Sc nuclides are determined to be- 40492 (82), - 38928 (114), - 34654 (540) ke V, which show a significant increase of binding energy compared to the reported ones in the Atomic Mass Evaluation 2012 (AME12). In particular, 53 Sc and 54 Sc are more bound by 0.8 Me V and 1.0 Me V, respectively. The behavior of the two neutron separation energy with neutron numbers indicates a strong sub-shell closure at neutron number N = 32 in Sc isotopes.
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