
来源 :中国乡镇企业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kuaile6789
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休闲农业是激活农业和农村资源,发挥资源文化和技术服务整体优势,创新拓展农村产业的一种复合型的新型产业。休闲农业的主体是循环经济与高新高效生态农业。休闲农业是农业主体产业延伸,并围绕农业生产和农村生活而开展的与农业生产关联密切的旅游服务业,其产品性质是服务产品、无形产品。发展体闲农业,也可以成为一种新型的农业技术产品市场,通过产业旅游的方式促进农业产品销售与农业技术的推广与普及。发展休闲农业是延伸农业产业功能、促进农民增收致富奔小康的重要途径。休闲农业的根本目标是延伸农业产业链,追求休闲农业效益最大化,进而实现区域整体效益的最大化。 Leisure agriculture is a complex new industry that activates agriculture and rural resources, exerts the overall superiority of resources, culture and technical services and innovates and expands rural industries. The main body of leisure agriculture is circular economy and high-tech and efficient ecological agriculture. Leisure agriculture is an extension of agricultural mainstay industries and is closely related to agricultural production, which is carried out around agricultural production and rural life. Its product nature is service products and intangible products. The development of leisure agriculture can also become a new market for agricultural technology products. Through industrial tourism, the promotion of agricultural products and popularization of agricultural technologies can be promoted. Developing leisure agriculture is an important way to extend the functions of agricultural industry and promote peasants’ income and prosperity. The fundamental goal of leisure agriculture is to extend the agricultural chain and pursue the maximum benefit of leisure agriculture so as to maximize the overall efficiency of the region.
还是在八十年代,当我第一次见到“汽配”一词的时候,我说:两三年后中国大地上就会出现“摩配”一词。所以后来到处有“摩配”,我都挺高兴的。最近,有学生告诉我, Or, in th
因用手挤压眼睑疖及外麦粒肿而使炎症向眼眶及颅内扩散,并发眼眶蜂窝织炎,海绵窦血栓性静脉炎,败血症等严重感染,虽非罕见病,但从临床来看颇有实际意义,故 Due to hand squ