As thin as creamy, ruddy and smooth, elastic skin, is a symbol of human bodybuilding. But how to keep the skin fit? There is a lot of knowledge inside. First of all, to maintain the balance of skin bacteria. The skin is the body’s largest organ, is to protect the health of the “natural Great Wall.” In many people’s opinion, the better the skin washed. In actual fact, over-cleaning but damage to skin health. What is the reason? Experts believe that the composition of the skin is not only the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue, hair, sweat glands, sebaceous glands and other ancillary devices, but also include the normal population living in the skin micro-organisms. Studies have shown that micro-organisms that inhabit the skin are guards who maintain healthy skin. There are more than 20 kinds of bacteria, more than 10 kinds of fungi and viruses and protozoa that exist on the skin, and the total weight is up to 200 grams. Do not think there are so many microorganisms on the skin is a detriment, in the normal balance of bacteria, these microorganisms play an important physiological role, for example, they are involved in the skin of water, salt, electrolytes, sugar, fat, eggs