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安康地区位于我省南部秦巴山区,气候温和,无霜期长,除宁陕、镇坪、岚皋县外,均在250~270天;年降水量800毫米左右,春秋多雨,三伏天常出现干旱.大体可分为川道丘陵、丘陵浅山、秦巴高山三个农业区.全区水田面积占十分之一.粮食作物夏季以小麦、豌豆、胡豆、马铃薯为主;秋季以水稻、玉米、红苕为主.耕作制多为一年两熟,部份为二年三熟,高山区多为一年一熟.在毛主席革命路线指引下,在“农业学大寨”的群众运动推动下,近年来,安康地区各地大搞农田基本建设,努力改变农业生产基本条件.随着生产基本条件的改善,科学种田水平的提高,间作套种面积不断扩大.由1971年的1万亩左右,扩大到1975年的36.8万亩.实践证明,改革耕作制度,实行间作套种.不论川道、丘陵还是浅山和高山区,都能增产,应当因地制宜地积极推广. Ankang is located in the Qinling-Bashan Mountains in the southern part of our province. It has a mild climate and a long frost-free period. It is 250 to 270 days apart from Ning Shan, Zhenping and Langao. The annual precipitation is about 800 millimeters. It can be divided into three kinds of agricultural areas: Chuan Road, hills, hills and Qinba Mountains, with the area of ​​paddy field accounting for one tenth of the total area.The grain crops mainly include wheat, peas, walnuts and potatoes in summer and rice, maize and red cows in autumn The main system of cultivation is mostly two crops a year, some are three crops in two years, and most of them are cooked in one year in a mountainous area. Under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line and under the impetus of the masses’ movement in Dazhai Agriculture In recent years, the basic construction of farmland has been vigorously carried out in various places in the well-being region, and efforts have been made to change the basic conditions for agricultural production. With the improvement of the basic conditions for production and the improvement of the standard of scientific farming, the intercropping area has been expanding continuously. From about 10,000 mu in 1971, To 368,000 mu in 1975. Practice has proved that the reform of farming system, intercropping intercropping regardless of Chuan Road, hills or shallow mountains and high mountains, can increase production, it should be actively promoted according to local conditions.
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摘要:探究能力是学生求知欲的体现。本文结合小学信息技术课堂教学实践,阐述了如何培养学生的探究能力。  關键词:小学信息技术 探究能力 培养  在小学信息技术教学过程中,培养小学生的探究能力,需要教师引导学生发现问题、分析问题,从而解决问题。在实践过程中,教师要学会收集、处理信息,帮助学生提升认知能力。  一、激发学习兴趣,培养学生的探究能力  情境能够拉近学生与知识之间的距离,激发学生的求知欲与好
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