Plasmodium berghei has been used as a model for malaria research in the United States and Europe for at least 30 years. Anopheles stephensi in Asia, Anopheles gambiae in Africa and Anopheles stephensi in Europe have proved to be the best experimental medium for this type of Plasmodium. This article reports the results of tests on the susceptibility of P. berghei to some mosquito species that sequester milk animal blood in Florida, USA. Test mosquito species include Anopheles stephensi, Anopheles stephensi, Aedes aegypti, laboratory-borne female mosquitoes with Culex pipiens pallens, Culex pipiens pallens and Culex pipiens pallens as well as Anopheles anopheles, An.bradleyi, An.atropos and Anopheles mosquito first generation female. 3 to 5 days after emergence of mosquitoes as a test sample.