Protein Content and Amino Acid Composition in Grains of Wheat-Related Species

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fishwatcher
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The protein content and amino acid composition for 17 wheat-related species(WRS)and three common wheats(control) were determined and analyzed,and the essential amino acids(EAAs)in WRS were evaluated according to FAO/WHO amino acid recommendations.The results showed that the mean protein content for WRS was 16.67%,which was 23,21% higher than that for the control.The mean contents(g 100 g~(-1) protein)of most amino acids for WRS were lysine 2.74%, threonine 2.83%,phenylalanine 4.17%,isoleucine 3.42%,valine 3.90%,histidine 2.81%,glutamic acid 29.96%,proline 9.12%,glycine 3.59%,alanine 3.37%,and cysteine 1.57%,which were higher than those for the control.The contents of the other 6 amino acids for WRS were lower than those for the control.The materials(Triticum monococcum L.,Triticum carthlicum Nevski,and Triticum turgidum L.)contained relatively high concentration of the most deficient EAAs(lysine, threonine,and methionine).Comparing with FAO/WHO amino acid recommendations,the amino acid scores(AAS)of lysine(49.8%),threonine(70.7%),and sulfur-containing amino acids(74.8%)were the lowest,which were considered as the main limiting amino acids in WRS.It was observed that the materials with Triticum urartu Turn.(AA)and Aegilops spehoides Tausch.(SS)genomes had relatively high contents of protein and EAA.The contents of protein(16.91%), phenylalanine(4.78%),isoleucine(3.53%),leucine(6.16%),and valine(4.09%)for the diploid materials were higher than those for the other materials.These results will provide some information for selecting parents in breeding about nutrient quality and utilization of fine gene in wheat. The protein content and amino acid composition for 17 wheat-related species (WRS) and three common wheats (control) were determined and analyzed, and the essential amino acids (EAAs) in WRS were evaluated according to FAO / WHO amino acid recommendations. results showed that the mean protein content for WRS was 16.67%, which was 23,21% higher than that for the control. The mean contents (g 100 g ~ (-1) protein) of most amino acids for WRS were 2.74% , threonine 2.83%, phenylalanine 4.17%, isoleucine 3.42%, valine 3.90%, histidine 2.81%, glutamic acid 29.96%, proline 9.12%, glycine 3.59%, alanine 3.37%, which were higher than those for the the The contents of the other 6 amino acids for WRS were lower than those for the control. The materials (Triticum monococcum L., Triticum carthlicum Nevski, and Triticum turgidum L.) contained relatively high concentrations of the most deficient EAAs (lysine, threonine, and methionine. Comparing with FAO / WHO amino acid recommendations, the amino acid (AAS) of lysine (49.8%), threonine (70.7%), and sulfur-containing amino acids (74.8%) were the lowest, which were considered as the main limiting amino acids in WRS.It was observed that the materials with (AA) and Aegilops spehoides Tausch. (SS) genomes had relatively high contents of protein and EAA. Contents of protein (16.91% ), and valine (4.09%) for the diploid materials were higher than those for the other materials.These results will provide some information for selecting parents inbreeding nutrient and the utilization of fine genes in wheat.
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摘 要: 教育观念对教师的教育教学活动起着统摄、导向和调控作用,直接影响教学。农村小学语文教师一定要从思想上实现由应试教育向素质教育的转变,自觉摒弃片面追求高分的短视行为,把培养学生的能力,提高学生的整体素质,作为语文教学的首要任务。  关键词: 农村教学 语文教师 新课改  如今,新一轮教育教学改革已经从城镇波及乡村。随着新课改逐步推进,农村小学语文教师越来越感到自身在知识、能力及技能等方面存在
摘 要: 本文通过各种方式激发学生学习语文的兴趣,培养学生的质疑能力,活跃课堂气氛,以收到良好的教学效果。  关键词: 激活课堂 幽默谐趣 教学效果  激活课堂气氛是增强教学效果的重要途径之一。有些教师的课堂教学中常显现出许多弊端,如漠视学生的主观能动意识,没有为学生创设活动空间,激活课堂气氛等,显然与《课标》提倡的理念、精神相违背。课堂中心目标是促进学生有效发展,课堂教学必须真正成为学生发展的天
摘 要: 课堂是师生间交往、对话、沟通和探究知识的场所,应充满和谐的气氛。和谐的课堂更是师生共同的舞台,更应充盈学生的声音。要多一些质疑的声音,多一些交流的声音。  关键词: 和谐课堂 质疑 交流  一、课堂呼唤学生的质疑声  “学起于思,思源于疑”,质疑是启迪学生思维、点燃学生智慧火花的有效手段,然而长期以来,广大教师为学生的学提供了很好的条件,提出了很多要求。学生按老师的方法、思路接受、学习,
摘 要: 当前小语届对“语用”一词可谓情有独钟,这与近年来对语文课程本质的重新思考与探索有关。有学者鲜明地提出语文课程的教学内容应分为本体性教学内容和非本体性教学内容,教学时要多关注本体性教学内容。  关键词: 语用训练 小学语文 功利化倾向  语文本体性教学内容指的是反映语文课程本质特征的、有别于其他各门课程的教学内容,包括语文知识、语文策略(方法)和语文技能。所谓非本体性教学内容包括情感、态度