
来源 :贵州民族研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liu033041
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明清时期乌江流域族群文化和谐共生的逻辑起点在于构建起族群与国家、本族群与他族群、本族群内部等不同层次的和谐共生关系,族群文化和谐共生的基本逻辑在于国家主导、上下互动、族群发展三个方面;明清时期乌江流域族群文化和谐共生的形成,主要基于国家政治制度、地方自然环境、乡村族群心理等因素;衡量明清时期乌江流域族群文化是否和谐与共生,有主流文化引领、制度文化相融、多元文化共生、族群文化平等重要标准。历史证明,明清时期乌江流域多元族群文化只有互相尊重、求同存异、兼容并蓄,才能得以繁荣共进,和谐共生。 The logical starting point for the harmonious coexistence of ethnic culture in the Wujiang River Valley during the Ming and Qing Dynasties lies in the establishment of a harmonious symbiotic relationship between the ethnic groups and the country, the local ethnic groups and other ethnic groups and the internal ethnic groups. The basic logic of the harmonious coexistence of ethnic groups lies in the state- The development of ethnic groups in the Wujiang River Valley in the Ming and Qing Dynasties is mainly based on the factors such as national political system, local natural environment and the psychology of the rural ethnic groups. It also measures the harmony and symbiosis of the ethnic groups in the Wujiang River Valley during the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the mainstream culture Leading, institutional and cultural integration, multi-cultural symbiosis, cultural equality important criteria. History shows that in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the multi-ethnic group culture in the Wujiang River valley can only be prosperous and harmoniously coexisted if it has mutual respect, seeking common ground while shelving differences and is inclusive.
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一九八○年四月二十日鄂政发(1980)21号请示报告收悉。同意你省设立鹤峰土家族自治县,以原鹤峰县的行政区域为该自治县的行政区域。 April 20, 1980 E Cheng Fa (1980) 21
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