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这是我们“长江源拍摄采访调查组”的同志们,到长江源头地区,望着巍巍的雪山,绿绿的草原,滔滔的河流,从心底唱出的一支颂歌。我们组是一九七六年下半年由北京出发的。经过柴达木盆地南缘重镇格尔木,越过楚玛尔河、北麓河,翻过风火山,沿着水流湍急的尼它曲进入小唐古拉山谷,在激流滚滚,水色清碧的玛尔曲畔,我们扎下了大本营。 This is our “Competent Investigation Team for the Yangtze River Shooting” comrades, to the source area of ​​the Yangtze River, looking at the towering snow-capped mountains, green grasslands, surging rivers, singing a carols from the bottom of my heart. Our group departed from Beijing in the second half of 1976. After passing through the Golmud, a key town in the southern margin of the Qaidam Basin, over the Chumar River and Beiluhe River, over the volcanoes and volcanoes, it flows into the small Tangula valley along the fast-flowing Niteroi. In the surging billow, We have taken the base camp.
50年前的一位产妇说:如果我还相信上辈子人的接生方法,我也许会死于生孩子。 A maternity woman 50 years ago said: If I still believe in the delivery of my previous l
我国现行《婚姻法》第五条明确规定:结婚年龄,男不得早于22周岁,女不得早于20周岁。晚婚晚育,应予鼓励。 上述结婚年龄即为法定婚龄,但从生理学角度来看女性20周岁并不意味
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