Beijing Gone through 114 Overseas Registrations in the First Half 等

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  Beijing Gone through 114 Overseas Registrations in the First Half
  Recently, learned from the Beijing Copyright Bureau, in the first half of this year, the number of electronic publications and computer software contract overseas registrations in Beijing has gone through 114, which is essentially flat with last year. 22 of which are foreign electronic publications, and 92 are the introduction of computer software.
  According to reports, among the 22 foreign electronic publications published in the first half of 2012, 8 are the introduction of language teaching and they are all introduced by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 13 are entertainment, involving 10 clients, doubled the number of last year. One is teaching CD-ROM for the introduction of the Central Radio and TV University Press Limited. 65 of the 92 computer software are introduced by central enterprises, accounting for 70.7 percent of the total introduction.
  Beijing Copyright Bureau Issued
  the network communication
  Environment-building Initiatives
  to Internet Companies
  May 31, the Beijing Copyright Bureau, the United Network Copyright of the Internet Society of China issued "Strengthening the construction of the green network communication environment, carrying out to promote the genuine, Green Month of Action" Proposal to 16 Internet companies such as Baidu, Sina and Sohu,
  Initiative, Internet companies should conscientiously implement the "national ideological and moral construction platform", positively provide green, genuine, healthy network of literary and artistic works, and strive to create a network environment for healthy growth of youngsters, comply with relevant legal regulations about network rights management, and actively promote the Internet industry to manage self-regulatory mechanism; positive spread reflects the era of development and social progress, promote the national cultural traditions of the Internet literary and artistic works to provide young people with a variety of spiritual and cultural products. This proposal hopes Internet enterprises to actively take effective measures and management tools to protect the legitimate rights of copyright holders. At the same time they should establish a sound internal management system, strengthen personnel training, to prevent the spread of piracy.
  Beijing Cultural and Creative
  Industries Is Expected
  To Break the One Trillion Mark
  This Year
  June 17, the reporter learned from the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Press and Publication that 2012 Beijing cultural and creative industry is expected to exceed 200 billion Yuan, and the revenue is expected to exceed one trillion Yuan mark.   According to statistics, from 2005 to 2010, Beijing cultural and creative industry increased from 67.4 billion Yuan to 169.7 billion Yuan, the proportion of GDP from 9.7% to 12%, becoming the pillar in the tertiary industry in the third industry. In 2011, the total income of the Beijing cultural and creative industries was more than 900 billion Yuan, an increase of more than 20%.
  It is understood that Beijing will strive to achieve that the cultural and creative industries share of GDP reaches 15% at the end of "the Twelfth Five-Year" period, and will try to reach 18% in 2020. To this end, Beijing will further promote the technological and cultural fusion, vigorously implement the culture of innovation, technological innovation, "wheel-driven" strategy, innovation and cultural industries policy system, and enhance investment stimulating role. It will speed up the construction of iconic cultural facilities, form a number of capital of culture and a new landmark; construct municipal functional areas of the six industries, 30 cultural and creative industries gathering area, build a 2-3 large functional areas of cultural and creative industries; build the facilities, content-class performing arts industry; construct species-rich, strong, active trading of the national publishing center; form advanced technology, open channels, the trading volume of the largest national film center; further promote the field of culture in theory, institutional mechanisms, services, management and other aspects of innovation, and constantly enhance the attractiveness of the capital's cultural cohesion; promote the industry as a whole upgrade, speed up the construction of cultural industry groups to create a strong bearing capacity, competitiveness "culture carrier"; further integrate the central genus and municipal, private and state-owned, within and outside Beijing, domestic and foreign various aspects of cultural resources, and form a new pattern of the capital's cultural development.
  Beijing Commend the 245 "Star"
  Good-to-People Bookstores
  May 22, the 10th Beijing International Book Festival Reading Day held in Ditan Park. 245 Good-to-People bookstores were awarded the "Star Bookstores" and were recognized. Rural farmers from the suburbs of Beijing 10 districts performed a wonderful program to reflect changes in the new counties for the readers.
  According to reports, in order to strengthen the Good-to-People bookstores management, better play the role of the Good-to-People bookstores reading demonstration, according to the Beijing Star Bookstore selection criteria and implementation measures, on the basis of voluntary reporting and expert review, Good-to-People reading project leading group office selected 245 Good-to-People Star Bookstores. Among them, 8 are five-star bookstores, 44 are four-star bookstores, 99 are three-star bookstores, and 94 are two-star bookstores.   The Tenth Beijing International
  Book Festival Sales
  Exceeded 32 Million Yuan
  The Tenth Beijing International Book Festival, a ten-day activity, came to an end. According to incomplete statistics, during the Book Festival, Ditan Park and the venue received a total of 800,000 readers, and the sales exceeded 32 million Yuan.
  It is understood that this year's book festival organized 9 theme days, 13 theme exhibition and more than 300 cultural events. The exhibited books, audio-visual products, electronic publications total more than 30 million. SDX Joint Publishing Company, Zhonghua Book Company, People's Literature Publishing House, the Commercial Press and so on got millions of sales.
  Book Festival attracted media attention, and nine major media in Beijing and the Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, Guangming Daily, "China Press and Publication" and other central media, Sina, Sohu, Netease, and other network media published more than a thousand articles about this. Book Festival for the first time issued a total of 107 microblogs.
  Beijing Promoting the Digital Upgrade of
  the Peasant Family Bookstore
  Recently, this reporter learned from the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Press and Publication, Beijing this year will add 899 rural Convenient Bookstores. Based on existing bookstores, all 3975 rural Convenient Bookstores will be met the national standards. Digital reading platform and network communication channels will help promote the digital upgrade of the city's rural Convenient Bookstores.
  In addition, Beijing also actively promotes the Convenient Bookstores in community. 200 new community Convenient Bookstores will be built, providing a convenient and effective public cultural services for migrant workers.
  It is understood that in 2011, Beijing built 200 new community bookstores, which give 900 Convenient Bookstores supplement books, newspapers, audio-visual products and bookshelves, newspaper rack, and other items. It selected more than 100 Star Bookstores and trained more than 2000 bookstore managers. And through the preparation of "Beijing Reading Projec t Construction and Management System," Beijing Convenient Library Administrator's Guide "," 2011 Beijing Convenient Bookstores Key Publications Recommended Directory" and other documents, it further specifies the construction, management and use of the Convenient Bookstores.
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