Innovative design of Chinese police uniform

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  Abstract: with the improvement of living standards, a large number of vehicles into people's lives, in heavy traffic on the road, the traffic police work plays an important role. At the same time, traffic police's working environment is becoming worse and worse. Noise pollution, air dust, vehicle exhaust and haze will seriously affect the health of traffic policemen. Traffic policemen provide security for our trip. We should attach importance to the health of traffic policemen, and work hard to provide them with a relatively safe and comfortable working environment. It is necessary to improve not only the road environment when the traffic police work, but also the uniforms they wear in their regular work. In this paper, the innovative design of the ideal traffic police uniform is made through the analysis of the style, fabric and functional analysis of the existing traffic police uniforms.
  Key words: traffic police uniforms, reflection, innovation
  First, the innovative design of the reflector of the police uniform
  In recent years, haze weather is becoming more and more serious in China. Visibility is getting lower and worse. Bad weather is a serious threat to people's driving safety. Traffic policemen insist on conducting traffic at every intersection to prevent traffic congestion and traffic accidents. In order to deal with the bad weather, around the traffic police on duty were put on a variety of reflective clothing, but reflective clothing is to rely on the reflective principle, visibility is too low under the condition of the driver still can not see the traffic police gesture signal or even exist, it may cause traffic jams or accidents, serious you can threaten the personal safety of the traffic police. Therefore, if the traffic police are on duty in the dark or bad weather, it is recommended to replace the reflector used in the uniform into the LED light source.
  The LED light source is an active light source, which makes up the deficiency of the traditional counter - light of the traditional police uniform. The luminance of the light source is high and the color is rich, which provides better security for traffic police in low visibility or night environment.
  Two. Innovation and design of uniform fabric for traffic police
  Taking the use of traffic police uniforms to take into account the particularity of the daily work of the traffic police, it can change the compressive and expansion properties of the fabric. For example, the riding clothing of traffic police can learn from outdoor professional motorcycle riding clothing, and use pressure resistant and stretsible fabric at elbow or knee joints, so that traffic policemen can ride safely and conveniently when traveling outside.   Three. The innovative design of the medical function of the uniform police uniform
  Outdoor standing and long time exposed to the weather will make the police easily suffer from occupation disease, such as cervical spondylosis, lumbar vertebra disease and a series of diseases. The traffic police day work time to wear clothing is the most uniform, so we should regard the medical function and traffic police uniforms inside combination of far infrared technology such as the current popular working principle of infrared can be through the clothes in the treatment site, can be directly through the skin, muscle, subcutaneous tissue etc. thermal effect. Accelerate the circulation of blood material, increase metabolism, reduce pain, increase muscle relaxation, and produce massage effect. Infra-red is mainly due to its ability to treat disease by mobilizing the body's ability to resist disease from different levels. Traffic police uniforms add infrared function inside, so that traffic policemen can effectively prevent or treat various diseases when they work, so as to improve their health.
  Four. Summary
  The police uniform can reflect the development of a country's politics, economy and science and technology from the side, and it has an obvious brand of the times. The police uniform is the main symbol of its special function and the functional requirement of displaying the execution task. The traffic police suit should be gradually improved from the aspects of taking performance, and fully utilize advanced science and technology to alleviate the physical injury to the traffic police by the external environment. Learning from the world's advanced clothing technology and advanced medical achievements, making full use of all kinds of science and technology to reform and improve the traffic police's uniform, fully reflects the concern of the state and the government for traffic policemen, is conducive to the harmony and stability of the society, and the prosperity and prosperity of the country.
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摘要:西方哲学犹如一颗瑰宝在古代西方的文化发展史上具有重要作用。作为西方哲学的代表从阿那克西曼德到伊壁鸠鲁等均人的本原、人的发展问题进行了有意义的探讨,他们创造了有意识思考人的本原问题的先河,这些有意义的探讨对当代中国具有重要的指导意义。  在西方的历史发展中,西方哲学犹如一颗瑰宝在古代西方的文化发展史上具有重要作用。其中对西方哲学贡献最大的当属古欧洲文化的古希腊。作为西方哲学的代表从阿那克西曼德
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当今越来越残酷的市场竞争中,商家都想方设法的抓住消费者的眼球,给自己的商品穿上一件漂亮的“外衣”,这无疑是刺激消费的一个好方法。在这样的大趋势下,商品的包装已成为提升和凸显品牌的一个重要手段,并且成为企业文化的一个缩影,商品的包装显得越来越重要。  在包装设计的众多因素中,色彩因素占的比例是最大的。色彩的把握对于一个包装成功与否起到了至关重要的作用,色彩的信息传递往往要比文字更为直接更为迅速。同时
Abstract: walk in space such as outdoor street, square, everyone have their own environmental experience, this article will from the road scales, shop, and steps to design three aspects to illustrate
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摘要:灯光设计是餐饮空间设计中最为重要的部分。在餐饮空间中灯光起着表现材质及色彩、划分及界定空间、烘托及营造气氛三个方面的作用。餐饮空间中的灯光设计可依据餐厅的风格特点、地域特色,灵活多变地展现灯光的功能及照明效果,以达到餐厅的空间艺术要求。很多时候,其在被欣赏的基础上兼有了使用价值,既符合了人们对空间合理利用的心理,同时也增加了装饰性。因此,灯光设计在餐饮空间中的使用价值是无限的。  关键词:餐
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