这是一家区属医院,在抗击SARS的战役中,投入600多人参加一线的救治和流调工作,为有效控制北京市的SARS疫情立下汗马功劳; 这是一支精锐的危重病医学先锋队,从地坛、佑安到德外、宣武,哪里有SARS危重患者,哪里就有他们奔忙的身影; 这是一条铁打的汉子,作为北京市防治SARS专家组的专家,他冲锋在前,不分昼夜;作为医院的职业管理者,他运筹帷幄,指挥若定—— 他,就是复兴医院院长、中国危重病医学专家席修明教授。
This is a district hospital that has invested more than 600 people in first-line rescue and epidemic prevention work in the battle against SARS and made a contribution to effectively controlling the outbreak of SARS in Beijing. This is an elite critically ill medicine pioneer team From Ditan, You’an to Germany, Xuanwu, where SARS critically ill patients, where there is their bustling figure; this is a iron man, as Beijing’s SARS expert team, he assault in front, regardless of Day and night; as a professional manager of the hospital, he strategized and directed Ruoding - he is the president of Renaissance Hospital and Professor Xi Xiuming of China’s critical illness medicine expert.