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生态清洁小流域建设,使流域内的水土资源得到有效保护、优化配置及合理高效利用。沟道基本保持天然状态,行洪较为安全,人类活动对自然的扰动在生态系统承载能力范围之内,生态系统良性循环,人口、资源、环境三者协调发展。山区是邢台县主要水源涵养及供给地,是水资源天然生态屏障,也是居民休闲旅游度假胜地。随着山区经济快速发展,水资源供需矛盾日渐突出,水源保护工作日益艰巨。以水源保护为中心,构筑生态保护、生态治理、生态修复三道防线,建设生态清洁小流域刻不容缓。依据城乡统筹原则,围绕着区域功能定位及不同小流域的特点,因地制宜,分类合理建设和谐宜居、休闲观光、水源保护、绿色产业四种生态清洁小流域,转变农村经济发展方式,实现水源保护和山区经济发展的共赢。 Ecological clean-up construction of small watershed, so that the water and land resources within the basin have been effectively protected, optimal allocation and reasonable and efficient use. The channel basically maintains the natural state, and floods are safer. The disturbance of human activities to nature is within the scope of ecosystem carrying capacity. The virtuous circle of ecosystems, the coordinated development of population, resources and environment are all underway. Mountain is Xingtai County, the main source of water conservation and supply, is the natural ecological barrier of water resources, but also residents leisure travel resort. With the rapid economic development in mountainous areas, the contradiction between supply and demand of water resources has become increasingly prominent, and the water source protection work has become more and more arduous. To water conservation as the center, to build ecological protection, ecological management, ecological restoration of the three lines of defense, building ecological clean watershed without delay. According to the principle of urban and rural co-ordination, we will change the function of rural areas and the protection of water sources according to local features and characteristics of different small basins, and according to local conditions, we will classify them into four types of ecological clean watersheds: harmonious, livable, leisure and sightseeing, water source protection and green industries Win-win economic development in mountainous areas.
<正> 湖北仙桃市黄新场卫生所闵观麒医生笃信佛教,业余坚持学经、坐禅,并把佛教慈悲利生的思想贯彻到自己的工作、生活中去。他生活俭朴,不搞请客送礼。有点积蓄即用于施舍,
【正】 朱熹,字元晦,安徽婺源人,生于南宋建炎四年(1130),死于宁宗建元六年(1200)。年十八,登进士第,授泉州同安主簿,其后历任枢密院编修、秘阁修撰等职。他是我国古代著名的
【正】各市、县(区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构,各大企业,各高等院校: 经省政府研究同意,现将《关于加快推进口岸大通关建设的若干意见》印发给你们,请结合各自
【正】 根据中央的统一部署,经省委、省政府研究决定,2004年5月19日,福建省人民政府国有资产监督管理委员会挂牌成立,正式对外办公。省国资委系福建省人民政府直属正厅级特设
引起大豆疫霉根腐病的大豆疫霉菌(Phytophthora sojae)是危害大豆的破坏性病原菌之一,也是我国重要的检疫性植物病原菌。简单、快速、准确的鉴定和检测技术是阻止大豆疫霉菌传入
教育工作是塑造完美个性的工作,教师职业是浇灌心灵的工作,平凡中孕育着伟大,琐碎中蕴含着崇高,笔者从事农村教学工作近二十年,深知学生喜欢这样的老师:  育人“智”。教书育人是教师的神圣使命。教师的职责是既要教学生有关具体事物的知识,又要让学生知晓立身处世的品德。教书是途径,育人是根本。教师是学生的教育者、生活的导师和道德的引路人。不仅要教“学生学”,还要教“学生行”,行做人之道。一个教师应该知道德行