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同学们在英语学习中常遇到一些似是而非的表达,自己不知其然,也不知其所以然,下面给大家举一些实例。1.“He is no fool.”和“He is not a fool.”这两句话似乎意思差不多,但含义却有较大差别。He is no fool.=He is veryclever.(他很精明。)而He is not a fool.(他不是傻子。)只是一 Students often encounter plausible expressions in their English learning. They do not know what they are and why they do not know why. Here are some examples for everyone. 1. “He is no fool.” and “He is not a fool.” These words seem to mean the same, but the meaning is quite different. He is no fool.=He is very clearver. (He is very clever.) And He is not a fool. (He is not a fool.) Just a
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。天津市第十四中学严管理、有特色,各方面工作争创一流 Please download and view, this article does not support online acce
小时候做过一个游戏:双方手拉手组成一道人墙,让对方的人冲过来,谁能冲开这道障碍,谁就可以带走对方的任何一个人。 When I was a child, I had a game: Both sides joined
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1. Before the elevator was invented in the late 1800 ’s, buildings were much smaller and less tall, as people did not want to walk up and down stairs all day.
Professor: Young man , are you the teacher of thisclass?Student: No sir. Professor: Young man, are you the teacher of thisclass?Student: No sir.
Bobby: Do you want to hear a new joke? Kelly: No thanks, Bobby.Bobby: Why? Everybody loves a good joke.Kelly: I have heard you tell jokes before and you don’