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本刊政治理论部与中共山西省高平市委联合举办的“高平杯”加强和改进思想政治工作征文,从去年举办以来,受到全国各界人士的关心和支持,在短期内收到大量征文稿。来稿者既有各级领导干部,也有不少思想政治工作方面的专家学者,特别是来稿者中有不少基层第一线的工人、农民、教师、学生和解放军战士,反映出党中央重视加强思想政治建设的指导思想已成为全党全国人民的共识。绝大多数征文以邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义理论为指导,论述了加强和改进思想政治工作的意义;反映了在发展社会主义市场经济条件下,加强和改进思想政治工作的机遇与挑战;探讨了解决思想政治工作面临问题的途径和办法;总结了自己或本地区、本部门做好思想政治工作的经验,对做好思想政治工作提出了有价值的建议。许多文章都具有创见性和针对性,观点鲜明,论述生动,反映了作者对这次征文活动的热情认真的态度。但因本栏目容量有限,只能选登部分文章。本期又摘登11篇征文,以飨读者,也作为征文的结束。在建立社会主义市场经济体制过程中,加强思想政治建设是一项根本保障措施,任重道远,今后还需要广大政工干部与广大群众一道,继续从理论和实践的结合上,探讨如何加强和改进思想政治工作。这次征文旨在起促进和鼓劲作用。我们衷心感谢广大读者 Since its establishment last year, the “Gaoping Cup” jointly organized by the Department of Political Science and Politics and the CPC Gaoping Municipal Party Committee in Shanxi Province has received a great deal of attention and support from people of all walks of life in the PRC. In the short term, a large number of draft articles have been received. The contributors include leading cadres at all levels and many experts and scholars in ideological and political work. In particular, there are quite a number of grassroots workers, peasants, teachers, students and soldiers of the People’s Liberation Army at the grassroots level in the drafters. They reflect that the CPC Central Committee places emphasis on strengthening The guiding ideology of ideological and political construction has become the consensus of all the people and the people throughout the country. The vast majority of essay takes Deng Xiaoping’s theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics as guidance, discusses the significance of strengthening and improving ideological and political work, reflects the opportunities and challenges of strengthening and improving ideological and political work under the condition of developing socialist market economy, The ways and ways of solving the problems facing the ideological and political work are summarized. The experiences of doing ideological and political work in themselves or in our region and our own department are summarized, and valuable suggestions are made to do a good job in ideological and political work. Many of the articles are innovative and specific, with distinctive views and vivid expositions, which reflect the author’s earnest attitude towards this essay activity. However, due to the limited capacity of this section, only selected some articles. This issue again picked 11 essay, to readers, but also as the end of the essay. In the course of establishing a socialist market economic system, strengthening ideological and political building is a fundamental safeguard and there is still a long way to go. In the future, a large number of political cadres and the general public will also need to continue their discussions on how to strengthen and improve ideological and political education through a combination of theory and practice jobs. The essay aims to promote and encouragement. We sincerely thank readers