
来源 :中国港口 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fogwl
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最近,烟台市党代会市十二后二次人大会议明确提出新一轮城市发展规划总的指导思想和目标是:立足烟台特有的区位优势,面向21世纪,放眼世界,特别是亚太地区的发展趋势,着力营造“大、高、外”经济格局,力争经过几十年的奋斗,建成现代化国际性港口城市。这是市委、市政府关于把烟台建成现代化国际性港口城市战略目标的再一次明确表述,充分说明了市委,市政府对港口发展的高度重视,反映了烟台港在烟台市经济发展和改革中举足轻重的地位和作用。 烟台港的规模基本上与现今城市规模相适应。胆是,目前,烟台市经济发展较快,尤其是构筑“大、高、外”的经济格局,城市区域面积不断扩展,外向型经济突飞猛进,对港口提出了新的需求。同时,作为全国水运的18个枢纽港之一,还担负着山东省及临随地区的货物中转任务。另外烟台港也面临着港口异军突起、激烈竞争的局面。在这种形势下,烟台港要带动城市的发展,必须着眼于未来,立足于现实,以战略性的眼光全面推进港口的建设和发展。最近,根据新的经济发展形势,经过调查论证,我们重新调整了预测吞吐量水平,预计2000年为1750万吨,2010年为3000万吨,2020年为4500万吨。烟台港的状况和优势是:1993年,港口吞吐量达到1190万吨,而实际能力只有711万吨,显然超负荷运行。在建的二? Recently, the party congress city in Yantai City after the second NPC congress explicitly proposed a new round of urban development planning general guiding ideology and objectives are: based on Yantai’s unique geographical advantages, facing the 21st century, the world, especially the Asia Pacific region Development trend, efforts to create a “big, high and foreign” economic pattern, and strive to fight through decades of efforts to build a modern international port city. This is another clear statement by the municipal party committee and municipal government about the strategic goal of building Yantai into a modern international port city. It fully shows that the municipal government attaches great importance to the port development and reflects the importance of Yantai Port in the economic development and reform of Yantai City The status and role. The size of Yantai Port basically matches the current urban scale. The courage is that, at present, Yantai City has developed rapidly in economy, especially in the economic structure of “big, high and foreign”. The urban area has been expanding continuously and the outward-oriented economy has been making rapid progress. It has put forward new needs for the port. At the same time, as one of the 18 hub ports of the national water transport, it also undertakes the task of cargo transit in Shandong Province and its immediate area. In addition Yantai Port is also facing a sudden emergence of the port, fierce competition. Under such circumstances, Yantai Port must, in order to promote the development of the city, must focus on the future and, based on reality, strategically promote the construction and development of the port in an all-round way. Recently, according to the new economic development situation, after investigation and demonstration, we have readjusted the forecast throughput level. It is estimated at 17.5 million tons in 2000, 30 million tons in 2010 and 45 million tons in 2020. The situation and advantages of Yantai Port are: In 1993, the port throughput reached 11.9 million tons, while the actual capacity was only 7.11 million tons, apparently overloaded. Two under construction?
[摘要] 胡锦涛总书记在党的十七大报告中指出:“和谐文化是全体人民团结进步的重要精神支撑”,和谐社区文化是中国特色社会主义文化的重要组成部分,也是实现社会和谐的精神动力,企业老年教育与和谐社区文化建设尤为重要。  [关键词] 老年教育和谐社区文化建设    一、企业老年教育是和谐社区文化建设的内在要求  和谐的社区文化作为城市文化建设的重要内容,融思想观念、行为规范、社会风尚于一体,以其最活跃、最
In this paper an equipment for precise measurement of QHR in NIM is described.The essential parts in this equipment are a resistance comparator of one-to-one r