
来源 :江西医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qvodsbsbsbsbsbs
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血液是机体的内环境,机体内发生任何正常或病态的生物化学过程的改变均可反映到血液中来,使血液成份发生改变,从而也就可影响到血球沉降率,便之增快或减慢。本文研究了在完全清醒而正常的家兔身上迷走神经及交感神经对血沉率的影响。但为了对照,也观察了在床醉状态下这两种神经的影响。实验分三部份进行,第一部份是观察拟植物神经药——肾上腺素及乙醯胆碱对血沉率的影响。比较用药前后血沉率的差异。每种药物各作了20多次实验 Blood is the internal environment of the organism. Any changes in the normal or pathological biochemical processes that occur in the body can be reflected in the blood, causing the blood components to change, which in turn can affect the rate of blood cell sedimentation and increase or decrease the rate of blood sedimentation. SLOW. This study investigated the effect of vagus nerve and sympathetic nerve on the blood sedimentation rate in fully awake and normal rabbits. However, for comparison, the effects of these two nerves on bed drunkenness were also observed. The experiment was carried out in three parts. The first part was to observe the effect of epinephrine and acetylcholine on the blood sedimentation rate. Comparison of blood sedimentation rate before and after treatment. 20 trials for each drug
1975年武汉医学院在汉川县慢性气管炎防治点上,根据当地实践经验,用螃蜞菊(Alterna-nthera Philoxecoides Griseb)鲜草制成糖浆预防感冒,通过服药组4431人与对照组4227人的
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几年来,我用黄土这味药,先后治疗婴幼儿腹泻40例,均收到满意的效果。特介绍于下: 一、治疗方法: 1.腹泻一周以内者:挖取地下深层有粘性的洁净细腻黄土一块(约重2两),放在瓦
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一、制法:将生石灰装入新鲜猪苦胆内,阴干后将全部研成细末备用。二、用法:在受外伤或出血时,上此消炎粉有收敛、消炎止疼、止血生肌作用。效果较 First, the system of la
我们曾报导皮果衣〔Dermatocarpon minatum(L.)Mann〕对实验动物具有明显的降压作用。在实验中发现给皮果衣后动物似有镇静作用,故进一步作了如下实验。 We have reported