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为了深入贯彻落实党的十八大关于“完善党员干部直接联系群众制度”的要求,长兴岛临港工业区在过去已建立的相关制度和联系点基础上,形成了联系基层、服务群众“一包两联”的工作机制,保证了全区村级党组织全部都有包村单位、机关科级以上党员干部全部都有联系群众。 In order to thoroughly implement the requirements of the 18th CPC National Congress on “improving the system of direct contact with the masses of party members and cadres”, on the basis of the relevant systems and contact points established in the past, Changxing Island Lingang Industrial Zone has formed a system of connecting grassroots units and serving the masses “A package of two ” working mechanism to ensure that all village-level party organizations in the region have package village units, organ level cadres above the Branch level have all contact with the masses.
20 0 0年 7月 1 9日在乌鲁木齐举行的第四期国土资源管理市长研讨班提出 ,在实施西部大开发战略中 ,应当正确处理资源开发与生态保护的关系 ,正确处理资源保护和合理利用的关
前言急性冠状动脉综合征(acute coronary syndromes,ACS),是以冠状动脉粥样硬化斑块破溃,继发完全或不完全闭塞性血栓形成为病理基础的一组临床综合征。它包括不稳定性心绞痛(UA
目的 探讨血清胸苷激酶1(TK1)、游离DNA(cfDNA)联合检测与晚期胃癌术后化疗效果及预后的相关性.方法 选取56例晚期胃癌患者作为研究组,均接受奥沙利铂+替吉奥(SOX方案)化疗,
Residential quarters in Chinese cities are usually walled off from their surrounding roads for security purposes.Recently,the Chinese govment has decided to tho
There is no denying that agricultural cooperation projects play a key role in Sino-African relations. Among some of the most important and influential projects,
美国Newmont矿业公司目标1999年生产黄金410万盎司,2000年生产450万盎司,并且这两年的整个现金成本大约在175美元/盎司. 位于美国佩鲁的Minera Yanacoche矿储量的“显著”增加,使该矿的产量到2000年估计达175万盎司,这导 The Newm