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中共中央5月6日上午在中南海怀仁堂举办《“一国两制”与香港基本法》法制讲座。中共中央总书记江泽民主持并作重要讲话。江泽民强调,依法治港,是我们实施依法治国的重要组成部分。维护香港基本法的权威,就是维护国家法制的权威。这是全国人民的共同责任。江泽民指出,要贯彻落实好香港基本法,首先要学习和了解香港基本法。全国人民都需要认真学习香港基本法。江泽民说,再过56天,我国政府就要对香港恢复行使主权,香港就要回到祖国怀抱。这是中华民族的一件盛事,也是举世瞩目的一件大事。实现香港回归祖国,将使中华民族彻底洗雪这段百年耻辱,使我们完成祖国统一的大业迈出重要一步。这将极大 On the morning of May 6, the CPC Central Committee held a lecture on “Legal System of” “One Country, Two Systems” and “Basic Law of Hong Kong” in Huairentang, Zhongnanhai. General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Jiang Zemin chaired and made an important speech. Jiang Zemin stressed: Ruling Hong Kong according to law is an important part of our implementation of governing the country according to law. To uphold the authority of the Hong Kong Basic Law is to safeguard the authority of the state legal system. This is the common responsibility of the people throughout the country. Jiang Zemin pointed out: To implement the Basic Law of Hong Kong, we must first learn from and understand the Basic Law of Hong Kong. All people in the country need to study the Basic Law of Hong Kong conscientiously. Jiang Zemin said: After 56 days, our government should resume the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong and Hong Kong will have to return to embrace the motherland. This is a grand event for the Chinese nation and a major event attracting worldwide attention. The century-long humiliation of bringing about the return of Hong Kong to the motherland and bringing the Chinese nation thorough snow-washing has taken an important step toward the great accomplishment of the reunification of our motherland. This will be great
Three major values of Wen Xin ixao Long are recognized by the article: a)lt is the greatest work of classical Chinese literary theory; b)It is of “mixed” type
This is the first time that the splendid history and culture of the Olympiad has been displayed in the form of astamp collection Jointly authorized by the Inter
聪明的小朋友,请你想想看:三边均为整数,且最长边为11的三角形共有多少个? Clever children, please think about it: how many triangles are the three sides and the lon