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在我们身边,总有这样一些人,他们恪尽职守,为了梦想忘我工作;他们立足本职,在平凡的岗位上不断勤奋开拓;他们坚持不懈,为了集体和个人的事业努力拼搏;他们活力四射,感染和带动着身边的人勇攀高峰。笔者身边就有这样的一群人,他们一直感动着我。令人佩服的崔俊昌2011年5月,新婚不久、沉浸在即将成为父亲喜悦中的崔俊昌,突然接到组织上约谈的通知并得到如下信息:公司正在新 In our side, there are always some people who fulfill their duties and dream of forgetting about themselves. They are based on their own posts and constantly work hard in their ordinary posts. They persevere, work hard for the collective and individual causes, and they are energetic and infected And led the people around them to climb the peak. I have such a group of people around, they have been touched me. Admirable Cui Junchang May 2011, soon after the wedding, immersed in the joy of becoming the father of Cui Junchang, suddenly received an appointment to interview the organization and get the following information: The company is new
<正> 我国与欧盟自1978年签订贸易协定以来,双边贸易关系逐年发展,我国在欧盟对外贸易伙伴中的地位也逐年上升。然而,我们必须看到,我国和欧盟的贸易关系不是一帆风顺的。其
Human activity duo to rapid increasing of the economy in China has become so wide and intense since 1980s that it comes to the most active factor affecting the
The possibility of γ-ray laser generation by the radiation of wiggling electrons in a usual background laser is discussed. The possibility of γ-ray laser gen
Based on the quantum fluctuations, we adopt the method of generalized V1 criterion to investigate multipartite entanglement characteristics in an optical parame