U-2 单元测试

来源 :小天使·语数英初一版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zsh188667787
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  一、听力 (20分 略)
  1. The park near my home is very d_______,
   I don't like to go there.
  2. In the g_______, there are some vegetables.
  3. Welcome to our city and ______ ( 享受)yourself here.
  4. We saw her when she was p_____ the classroom.
  5. Go _______(穿过)the street when the light is green.
  6. The girls enjoy ______(see) comedies.
  7. I hope the_____ (begin) of our tour is happy.
  8. They have fun ______(walk) in the park.
  9. Do you enjoy ___(you) at the birthday party?
  10. Go down _____(three) Street and turn right.
  1. ________ there a bank near here?
   A. Am B. Is C. Are D. Be
  2. Our school is ______ a bank.
   A. nextB. next to
   C. betweenD. between and
  3. - _____ is the park?
   - It's on Center Street.
   A. What B. When C. Where D. How
  4. The supermarket is _____ Fifth Avenue.
   A. on B. throughC. between D. /
  5. The library is _____ the restaurant and the
  A. next B. near C. between D. across
  6. - Where are you ______?
   - Beijing.
   A. onB. fromC. comeD. come from
  7. Is _____ a pay phone in the park?
   A. thisB. there C. thatD. the
  8. - _____ can I get to the post office?
   -Go down this road and turn left.
   A. Where B. What C. How D. When
  9. - Is there a supermarket?
   - No, _____.
   A. this is notB. there isn't
   C. it isn't D. there aren't
  10. There are sixty minutes in ____ hour.
  A.theB. anC. aD. /
  11. This is a nice city ____ many interesting places.
   A. ofB. with C. on D. and
  12. Bridge Street is a good place _______.
   A. have fun B. to have fun
   C. having fun D. to fun
  13. - Is there a pay phone ___ the neighborhood?
   - Yes, it's____ Center Street ____ the right.
   A. in, down, onB. on, on, is
   C. in, on, is D. on, down, on
  14. Can you tell me the way ___ the post office?
  A. toB. on C. atD. of
  15. You can get money in theand you
  can get books in the .
   A. post office, bankB. bank, garden
   C. bank, libraryD. library, bank
  My name is Daisy. I___1___my parents in an apartment(公寓). The apartment is on___2___floor of a tall building.___3___14 floors and a car park in the basement(地下室). My father parks(停放) his___4___there.
   Our apartment isn't in the center___5 ___the city. It's 3 km___6 ___the center. My father works in the city, ___7___ he goes to work___8___every morning. He doesn't drive his car. He uses his car only at___9___. Then he___10___ us to the country or to the beach(海滩).
  1. A. live inB. live withC. have
  2. A. six B. sixth C. the sixth
  3. A. There haveB. There isC. There are
  4. A. car B. taxiC. bus
  5. A. inB. ofC. with
  6. A. from B. inC. of
  7. A. becauseB. but C. so
  8. A. take a busB. by bus C. in bus
  9. A. weekdays B. weeks C. weekends
  10. A. takesB. helpsC. wants
  Paul got on the bus to go to the town. It was very crowded, and he had to stand for about five minutes. Then some of the passengers got off. Paul sat down next to a fat lady. She had several shopping bags, and Paul didn't have much room on the seat. At last the bus got to the town. All the passengers started to get off. Parl was very polite, so he stood up to let the fat lady get off before him. She said, "Thank you." Then she tried to get out of the seat with all her bags. But she couldn't move. She was stuck!
  Paul had to push the lady. The conductor pulled her. Finally they got her free but she wasn't pleased.
  "I'll write to the bus company," she said,"I'll tell them not to make buses with such small seats."
  1. Why couldn't the lady get out of the seat?
   A. Because the seat on the bus were too small.
   B. Because the lady was too fat and had a lot of bags.
   C. Because the bus was very crowded.
   D. Because Paul was in his seat next to hers.
  2. When did Paul get a seat on the bus?
   A. As soon as he got on the bus.
   B. After five minutes.
   C. Just before he wanted to get off.
   D. Just before the bus got to the town.
  3. How do you know that Paul was very polite?
   A. He didn't take the seat and was always standing.
   B. He pushed the lady out of her seat.
   C. He stood up to let the lady get off before him.
   D. He helped the lady carry her bags.
  4. ... and Paul didn't have much room on the seat. The word "room" here means ____.
   A. part of a houseB. space
   C. part of a seat
   D. something for sitting on
  5. "She was stuck!" In the story it means she ____.
   A. wasn't able to move or to get out
   B. was sitting there, she couldn't stand up
   C. pushed her bags
   D. moved very slowly
  Many students in China are learning English. Some of these students are small children. Others are teenagers(十几岁的青少年). Many are adults(成年人). Some learn at school, others study by themselves.
  A few learn English language over the radio, on television, or in films. One must work hard to learn another language.
  Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer that question.
  Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their own(自己的) language and maths and English ... Some people learn English because it is useful(有用的) for their work. Many people often learn English for their higher studies, because at college or university(大学) some of their books are in English. Other people learn English because they want to read newspaper and magazines in English.
  6. Many students in China are learning English,aren't they?
  A. No, they aren'tB. No, they are
  C. Yes, they are D. Yes, they aren't
  7. If one wants to learn another language well, he must ____.
  A. learn at school B. study by himself
  C. work hard D. study hard
  8. The sentence "It is difficult to answer that question" means ____.
  A. that question is not difficult to answer
  B. that question is difficult to answer it
  C. it is difficultly to answer that question
  D. it is hard to answer that question
  9. "Their own language" means ____.
  A. ChineseB. English
  C. French D. Japanese
  10. What's the Chinese of "study by themselves"?
  A. 和他们一起学习B. 自学
  C. 向他们学习D. 通过学习
  六、对话排序 (15分)

  1. A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the park?
  2. B: Oh, I see. You can go straight and turn right on the first crossing, you'll find a white building. That's the hotel.
  3. A: How can I get to the bank after I go out of the hotel?
  4. B: Oh, it is in the east of the city. You can go …
  5. A: I'm sorry, I may tell you that before I get to the park, I'll have to go to the hotel to see my good friend, and then I'll go to the bank to get some money.
  6. B: That's not difficult. After walking out of the hotel, please turn left and walk about 100 m. You will get to Fifth Avenue.
   Then turn right and the bank is on the right.
  7: A: OK. Thanks a lot.
  8. B: No, very near. Going out of the bank, you go back to the Fifth Avenue. Turn left and go straight, there is a park on the left.
  9. A: Is the bank far(远) from the park?
  10. B: Not at all.
  要求: 1.聚会的时间和地点。
他在办公室里坐着,空调在他头顶上方工作,温度调到24℃。他不感觉凉快,阳光从看不见的地方射过来,透过大面积双层加厚玻璃,他浑身刺痛。他能想象到像针一样的光,那些分割到极小的光粒子爬满他外露的皮肤,从细小的毛孔钻进去,把暗色的血液照得橙红。他抬起头看着,空调出风口因为距离的原因变成墨绿色,他知道里面布满灰尘,制动机正把它们往外挤压,漂浮在办公室的空气里,打几个滚,落到桌子上、课本上。  他刚才看了一
“嘭”的一声,碗筷摔到地板上的声音打破了花头巷的宁静。“林采儿,我告诉你,你今天要是踏出这个家门一步,我就当没有你这个女儿。”三伯的声音洪亮,中气十足,震得左邻右舍都停下手里的活计,而后大伙儿又默默地摇了摇头。  三伯是封侯村的村长,为人热心,正直公道。去年年底,村里有两户人家因为儿子分家不够地方建房子,三伯还大公无私地把自己家里的土地都拿出来分给了两家人。  三伯还喜欢广结善缘,有一次,一个云游
天光渐亮,吸气,换上跑鞋。  劈开迎面而来的风、雾,杨黎菡下意识揉了揉眼睛,朝老城方位以北处飞奔。  朔风呼啸,十一月的气候携年末预告劲头,大雪将至,不仅仅作为节气的体现,更是落在心头来势汹汹的寒冷。  脚下新买的流线型跑鞋,与眼前朦胧浑然一体,天将亮未亮,满世界的静谧皆披了层暧昧。  北边,几近丰腴的河道传来阵阵水声,陆石河水哗哗作响,杨黎菡习惯清晨六点跑步,大前年开始的。  那会儿刚满三十。 
汽车在村口老槐树前停下。小光从车座上跳下来,看树上雀鸟嬉戏。杨永顺从后备厢拎出一个纸箱,过来拉住小光的手向村里走去。小光感觉爸爸的手心很温暖。  “爸爸,为什么不把车开到爷爷家门口?”小光问。  “走几步锻炼身体呀。”杨永顺松开小光的手,停下点了一支香烟。  “噢。”小光说着,抓住爸爸的衣襟。  通往老家的路有五十多米,杨永顺每次回来都把车停在老槐树下。他们沿着水泥路往前走,看路两旁树枝摇曳,抽穗
我,忽秃仑·察罕,是窝阔台汗国可汗海都的长女,除了精于骑马、射箭,我的摔跤本领好像是长生天特别给予的。从小到大,都是我把别人扳倒在地,无论对手多么高大魁伟。见过我的人都赞叹我形体健美、容颜精致。人们在说起我时,往往如說一个传奇,不是因为我是公主,而是我那一身惊天地泣鬼神的摔跤本领。  眼看我到了适婚年龄,父汗要给我招婿。我提出的条件是摔跤招亲,能胜过我的年轻男子才有资格成为我的丈夫。如果对方被我扳
窗内,文弟坐在电脑桌前,盯着屏幕上因网页加载不停转动的小圈圈出神;窗外,阳光肆意、绿树成荫,小鸟和蝉儿在枝头争吵不停。  这时,窗边突然冒出两个小脑瓜,大牛和石娃笑嘻嘻的,咧着蛀了虫的大门牙,嘴里嚼着口香糖,手上拿着一大包黄瓜味薯片,扯着嗓子吆喝道:“文弟,别打游戏了,出来玩吧。”  “好咧,今天天气这么好,我早就坐不住了。”文弟一溜烟钻进床底,单手撑地,蹶着屁股,扒出那个早已布满灰尘、瘪了气的足
到部队当天,大青山就劈头盖脸来了一场暴风雪,宿舍里火炉子直熰烟,火炕、火墙冰凉。  “请七十二行来看看吧!”连长朝班长吼了一嗓子,皱着眉头走了。  不一会儿,一位穿四个兜上衣的干部来了,中等身材,浓眉大眼,黝黑的脸上布满细纹,让我想起了常年风吹日晒的千年古树,应该就是连长说的七十二行。  他這儿敲敲,那儿摸摸,随后搬来梯子上了房顶,在烟囱里掏出了一个鸟窝。随着一股浓烟腾起,炉火燃了起来,火墙、火炕
寻一处静地,温两壶新茶。  白墙黛瓦的古街,翠竹青藤的庭院。对坐,俯首,定神,静视,细细的小方格,圆圆的黑白子,绕指的光阴起起落落,氤氲的茶气悄然无声。  居左者黑衣,执白子,肩宽胸阔,浓眉似漆。  居右者白衣,执黑子,净面朗目,清和儒雅。  各执一棋,猜先,落子,布局,一招一式,有板有眼。须臾间,方形棋盘上黑白子如点点星辰,点缀浩渺苍穹。  约棋是在离休的翌日。老了,退了,解甲归田,日子属于自己
在我小时候,我觉得父亲像客人,只在每年春节来我家。我认为父亲是不负责任的男人,他没有尽到照顾母亲和我的责任,父亲还喜欢喝酒,喝醉了吵吵闹闹撒酒疯。我心里与父亲有着隔阂。  父亲中等身材,稍胖,宽厚的肩膀。他喜欢用嘴角含着烟卷,微眯了眼睛,看上去笑嘻嘻的。他喜欢找我说话,我总是很拘谨地回答他,有点被老师点名提问的感觉。  我家一般过完正月初三,亲戚就走完了。午后,父亲拦住准备出去玩的我,说:“辉,你
父亲拨开杂乱无章的灌木,将身体从杂草中拔出来。前面那只兽兀自在抖动,做着最后的挣扎。父亲拖起兽,拔掉箭羽,转头冲着身后喊:“出来吧。”  窸窸窣窣的一阵响动之后,一个半大的男孩子钻了出来。常年跟随父亲打猎的男孩黝黑而灵活。他走到兽跟前,蹲下身来,摸了摸兽光滑的皮毛,“爹,这兽真漂亮呀。”  父亲用草绳捆住兽的四条腿,然后拿一根长棍穿起来。男孩很麻利地抬起棍子的一端,父子二人抬著兽,向山下走去。  