1998年4月9日,美国哥伦比亚特区地方法院就公民权利组织状告美国国家档案文件署长批准实施《通用文件保管期限表20》违背法律规定一案作出维持原判,驳回被告延缓审判的裁定。由于情况特殊,此裁定现在尚未执行。本文依据有关材料,对这件国际档案界瞩目的事件作一追踪。 官司缘起 引起诉讼的“文件保管期限表’最初形成于1972年,由美国国家档案文件署负责起草,其功能是为各类机构暂时保存的一般性、事务性文件提供处置方法。 1988年,该表得以扩充,产生了《通用文件保管期限表23》,专门规定了独立的用户终端或个人的网
On April 9, 1998, the District Court of the United States of America District District (District Court of the United States) upheld the ruling that civil rights organizations sue the Administrator of the U.S. National Archives for approval of the implementation of the “General Document Storage Term Sheet 20” in violation of the law, and rejected the defendant’s decision to postpone the trial . Due to special circumstances, this ruling has not been implemented yet. Based on the materials, this article traces the attention of this international archives. The litigation-initiated “filing deadline” was first formed in 1972 and was drafted by the U.S. National Archives and Documentation Department, and its function was to provide a means of disposal for general and administrative documents held temporarily by various agencies. In 1988, The table has been expanded to produce a “General Document Storage Schedule 23”, which specifies a separate network of user terminals or individuals