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我们强调爱岗敬业、忠于职守,并不是说必须在一个岗位上“死守”到底,它要求的是我们对待工作的认真和严肃态度,承担应尽的责任和义务,忠实地履行岗位职责。跳槽是现代社会的一种正常现象,在一定程度上也是整个社会实现“人职匹配”、“人尽其才”的必须。既然跳槽是一种合理现象,可为什么总有一些人会因此而与企业剑拔弩张,最后闹得双方不欢而散呢?其实,这其中除了涉及职业道德问题外,还因为有些员工触及了法律底线。就读于某技校的小张,毕业前与一外资企业订立了毕业生就业协议书。到毕业时,学校要求他支付一次性培养费8000元,于是小张向公司提出由其缴纳,公司同意后,要求与小张签订服务期协议,于是双方签订了为期三年的劳动合同,其中前六个月为试用期;同时又 Our emphasis on dedication and devotion to dedication does not mean that we must “stick to the ground” in one post. What we are demanding is serious and serious attitude towards our work, responsibility and obligation due to be fulfilled, and faithful fulfillment of post responsibilities. Job-hopping is a normal phenomenon in modern society and to a certain extent, it is also necessary for the entire society to realize the goal of “matching people and jobs” and “doing the best for one person.” Since job-hopping is a reasonable phenomenon, why can there be always some people who are going to be tense with the enterprises? In the end, apart from the issue of professional ethics, some employees have touched the bottom line of the law . Xiao Zhang, who attended a technical school, signed a employment agreement with a foreign-funded enterprise before graduation. To graduation, the school asked him to pay one-time training costs 8,000 yuan, so Zhang made to the company by its payment, the company agreed to request a service agreement with Xiao Zhang, so the two sides signed a three-year labor contract, in which The first six months for the probationary period; at the same time
采用正交优化法对抗病诱导剂SR2在田间防治烟草赤星病的效果作了试验评价。结果表明该制剂具有良好的药理特性和显著的防病效果,具备推广的技术条件。 Orthogonal optimization
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目的探讨完整结肠系膜切除(complete mesocolic excision,CME)联合中央血管结扎与传统结肠癌手术在近期疗效及复发、转移方面的差异。方法 186例Ⅰ~Ⅲ期结肠癌患者,行CME联合
对成功的困惑成功,一个既简单又复杂,既平实又玄妙的字眼。在浩瀚的历史长河里, 东西方的无数先贤为了悟透成功的真谛而皓首穷经;在纷繁的现代社会中, 一代又一代的年轻人为