
来源 :上海教育科研 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:VBlover
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4.非智力心理因素发展情况目前,还没有比较理想的测定初中学生非智力心理因素发展状况的量表。本课题收集被试在学校常规活动中的表现,进行观察、分析、比较,评价被试各种非智力心理因素的发展状况;采用请家长、老师对实验班班风、学风进行整体评估,请学生自我评定等方法综合评定实验班学生非智力心理因素的整体发展水平。实验班学生是以学习上的失败者进入中学的。他们中的大部分从小学三、四年级就被列入差生行列,不少人留过级,小学毕业前,为了考一个好分数,他们在家长和老师的强制下进行过一段紧张地拼 4. Development of non-intellectual psychological factors At present, there is no ideal scale for measuring the development of non-intellectual psychological factors in junior high school students. This subject collects the subjects’ performance in routine activities of the school, observes, analyzes, compares and evaluates the development status of various non-mental psychological factors of the subjects. Parents and teachers are invited to conduct an overall assessment of the class and style of the experimental class. Student self-assessment and other methods to evaluate the overall level of non-intelligence psychological factors in experimental class. Students in the experimental class entered secondary school on the basis of learning failure. Most of them have been included in the ranks of poor students since the third and fourth grades of primary school, many of whom left their posts. Before graduating from primary school, in order to test a good score, they conducted an intense fight under the supervision of parents and teachers
飞翔,是雄鹰的生命力所在。奔流,是江河的生命力所在。活动,是少先队的生命力所在。 Flying, is the eagle’s life. Running, is where the vitality of the river. Activi
2015贵阳国际大数据产业博览会暨全球大数据时代贵阳峰会(以下简称:数博会)于5月26日至29日盛大举行。中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理李克强代表中国政府对大会召开表示祝贺,中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理马凯出席开幕式并致辞。  据了解,本届数博会由贵阳市政府、遵义市政府、贵安新区管委会、贵州省经信委、北京贸促会、中国互联网协会主办,以“‘互联网 ’时代的数据安全与发展”为主题,以“专业展会、国
AIM: To investigate the endoscopic hemostasis for gastrointestinal bleeding due to Dieulafoy’s lesion. METHODS: One hundred and seven patients with gastrointes
为观察磷酸吡哆醛丁咯地尔胶囊治疗慢性脑供血不足(chronic cerebral circulation insufficiency,CCCI)的疗效,我院神经内科在2009年6月至2010年6月使用磷酸吡哆醛丁咯地尔胶