Pancreatic cancer mortality in China(1991-2000)

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eacy_tang
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AIM:To describe the mortality rate of pancreatic cancerand its distribution in China during the period of 1991-2000.METHODS:Based on the data of demography and deathcollected through China’s Disease Surveillance Point System(DSPS) over the period of 1991-2000,the distribution ofdeath rate of pancreatic cancer was described in terms ofage group,gender,calendar year,rural/urban residence andadministrative district.RESULTS:A total of 1 619 death cases attributed topancreatic cancer (975 men and 644 women) were reportedby DSPS during 1991-2000.The reported,adjusted and age-standardized mortality rates increased from 1.46,1.75,and2.18 per 100 000 populations in 1991 to 2.38,3.06,and 3.26per 100 000 populations in 2000.The majority (69.62 %) ofthe deaths of pancreatic cancer were seen in the age groupof 60 years and older.The mortality rate was higher in menthan in women,but the male to female death rate ratiosdecreased during the 10 years.Our data also showed thatthe death rate of pancreatic cancer in urban areas was about2-4 fold higher than that in rural areas,and in Northeastand East China,the death rates were higher than those inthe other 5 administrative districts.CONCLUSION: The death rate due to pancreatic cancer was rising during the period of 1991-2000 and the peak mortality of pancreatic cancer might arrive in China. AIM: To describe the mortality rate of pancreatic cancerand its distribution in China during the period of 1991-2000. METHHODS: Based on the data of demography and deathcollected through China’s Disease Surveillance Point System (DSPS) over the period of 1991-2000, the distribution of death rate of pancreatic cancer was described in terms ofage group group, gender, calendar year, rural / urban residence andadministrative district .RESULTS: A total of 1 619 death cases attributed topancreatic cancer (975 men and 644 women) were reported by DSPS during 1991- 2000. The reported, adjusted and age-standardized mortality rates increased from 1.46, 1.75, and 2.18 per 100 000 populations in 1991 to 2.38, 3.06 and 3.26 per 100 000 populations in 2000. The majority (69.62%) of the deaths of pancreatic cancer were seen in the age group of 60 years and older. mortality rate was higher in menthan in women, but the male to female death rate ratiosdecreased during the 10 years. Our data also showed that the death rate of pancreati c cancer in urban areas was about 2-4 fold higher than that in rural areas, and in Northeast and East China, the death rates were higher than those inthe other 5 administrative districts.CONCLUSION: The death rate due to pancreatic cancer was rising during the period of 1991-2000 and the peak mortality of pancreatic cancer might arrive in China.
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