北京至齐齐哈尔T47次 欢乐点亮列车除夕

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2月6日20时整,开车两个半小时后,T47次列车春晚的主持人和部分演员在添乘领导的带领下走进硬席车厢,将第一份祝福与欢乐献给了这里的100余名旅客。T47次列车的列车春晚不是一台节目,而是一个系列活动。送节目下车厢只是开篇。在远离列车春晚主会场的车厢里,在意外与惊喜之中,旅客的喝彩与掌声响成一片。 At 20:00 on February 6, after driving for two and a half hours, the host and part of the actors of the T47 Train Spring Festival Gala entered the hardcore train under the leadership of Tim Leong and dedicated their first blessing and joy to this place More than 100 passengers. T47 Train’s Spring Festival Gala is not a show, but a series of activities. It’s just the beginning of the show. In the train far away from the main venue of the Spring Festival Gala, travelers applauded and applauded in surprise and surprise.
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