
来源 :山东劳动保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:geolin1965
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4月6日至7日,全省就业工作会议在威海召开,会上,总结了去年全省就业工作的情况,交流了工作经验。省劳动保障厅副厅长韩金峰到会作了重要讲话。他要求全省劳动保障部门进一步认清形势,突出重点,解放思想,狠抓落实,努力开创全省就业工作的新局面。今年我省就业再就业工作的基本思路是:围绕《山东省人民政府关于进一步做好就业和再就业工作的通知》精神,在继续确保下岗职工基本生活的同时,积极稳妥地推进下岗职工基本生活保障向失业保险和市场就业并轨;加大培训力度,努力扩大就业门路;完善就业服务体系,大力推进劳动力市场建设;巩固发展劳服企业;开拓劳务市场,发展劳务输出;探索建立非全日制和季节性就业制度;城镇登记失业率控制在3.5%左右。韩金峰指出,实现今年的就业和再就业工作任务,重 From April 6 to April 7, the provincial employment and employment conference was held in Weihai. At the meeting, the work situation of employment in the province last year was summarized and work experience was exchanged. Provincial Labor and Social Security Office Deputy Director Han Jinfeng made an important speech to the meeting. He demanded that the labor and social security department of the entire province further understand the situation, give prominence to its priorities, emancipate its minds, pay close attention to its implementation and strive to create a new situation in employment in the province. The basic idea of ​​employment and reemployment in our province this year is: Focusing on the “Notice of Shandong Provincial People's Government on Further Improving Employment and Reemployment”, while continuing to ensure the basic livelihood of laid-off workers, we should actively and steadily promote the basic livelihood of laid-off workers Guarantee the merger of unemployment insurance and market employment; increase training efforts and strive to expand employment opportunities; improve the employment service system, vigorously promote labor market construction; consolidate the development of labor-service enterprises; open up the labor market and develop the export of labor services; explore the establishment of part- Seasonal employment system; registered urban unemployment rate at 3.5%. Han Jinfeng pointed out that to achieve this year's task of employment and reemployment, heavy
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It is September twenty-first. I'm eleven years old today. I have a birthday party at home. I wear a pretty new dress. It is red and yellow. I like it very much.
It's spring. Some animals curl* their hair. Little hedgehog* asks Red Fox* to curl his hair , too. Soon, little hedgehog has red curls and looks cool. It's spr
根据所给的四个提示,用你丰富的联想猜出它的名称(字数已定,答案均在江苏教育出版社语文六年级教材内) According to the four tips given, use your rich association to
我和爸爸妈妈一起去桂林游玩。  爸爸把我拉到一个大水车旁,指着水车说:“你观察一下,看看水车是怎么动起来的。”  我仔细一看,这个水车像一个摩天轮,建在水流湍急的地方。轮子的周围绑着很多竹筒。当竹筒随着轮子转到水里时,竹筒就灌满了水。流下来的水推动轮子转动,竹筒就被提升起来。当灌满水的竹筒转过轮子顶部,竹筒里的水就会流进水车旁一个木制的水槽里,再流向远处。“哇,太有趣了,这样的运水方式真是又环保又